e i g h t

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* c h a p t e r e i g h t *

I finally looked up, my eye sight was blurry, but I could still tell it was Janice.

After a couple of moments my eye sight was okay and I could see Janice stood there with a baseball bat.

"Where you have been? Bitch!" She shouted as I wiped my tears. "TELL ME!" She shouted louder as I was sobbing a little.

"I was at-" I sobbed saying nothing.

Silence filled the room before Janice tilted her head back with laughter.

"You was at what?"

I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what to say.

"You disobeyed me, Andie! You disobeyed me! HOW DARE YOU!" She shouted the last bit.

My head was spinning, I was so confused. My life sucks. I wish I never born.

I just want Ashton, I feel so safe in his arms. I want to feel his touch, his lips. He's so perfect.

"I bet you ran off with that boy! Ha! I bet you ran off with him then I bet you jumped into bed with him, stripped your clothes off and fucked each other. You dirty ugly slut! Your a slut! An unwanted slut!"

That hurt, even thought it wasn't true

"He doesn't even like you. He's gonna get bored and dump you, like he did with all the rest of the girls."

"Y-You know nothing about him!" I finally shouted, getting up from the ground.

"Oh, but I do. I know him more than you think." She said, sarcastically.

I remained silent as she carried on.

"When I was your age I use to date his dad, Alex. See, I was like you, the teenage weirdo and he treated me special and that I was beautiful. Then one day, he dumped me, left me with the broken pieces."

"No. No!" I shouted.

"See, Andie, your exactly like me, just a teenage version." She smirked.

"I'm nothing like you!" I cried.

"Oh but you are." Janice smirked causing me even more angry than I am.

"You know why I'm just like you." She lightly laughed.

"There's no real explanation, Janice. We're nothing a like." I said, instead of shouting.

"Andie, I'm your mother." She said seriously.

The room was spinning, my head is pounding, my heart is bleeding.



a/n: um

this is a little short but omg

this wasn't even planned I just thought of it just now like

don't kill me.

there's two chapters left because this book sucks.

lol sos

690 reads that's crazy! omg!

thank you :)

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