t w o

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* c h a p t e r t w o *

I was woken my the sound of glass being smashed, sounded like someone was chucking glass at all wall and it annoyed me.

I blinked a few times to get my vision better and groaned by how I was rudely interrupted from my sleep.

"Andie, I'm s-scared." Jackson stuttered running towards me and hugging me.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay." I said gently as my hands messed up his blonde silky hair.

"What is it?" He asked, a little more calmly.

"I don't know, I'll find out though."

"No, don't leave, you might die!"

"I won't die!" I laughed a little as he looked so scared I wanted to hug him and sing to him until he fell to sleep.

It was still late at night since it was dark outside and all the neighbours was asleep.

I switched the kitchen light on to see Janice throwing plates and glasses at the kitchen wall.

She didn't notice I was stood there until she registered the light was on which was after about five seconds.

She turned to me slowly and she her eyes was full of anger. I gasped before taking two steps back.

"Wanna join? I know you like taking your anger out on breaking things since you throw loads of stuff in your room while your screaming."

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"And how cute, you do it while Jackson is at football so he won't hear how much pain your in. Oh and how your wrists are red and how you cry and scream in pain as the razor goes down your wrist making it bleed. Hah, your so pathetic."

A tear escaped my eye as I wiped it away and made sure I kept my tears back, I need to know how strong I am and she needs to know how strong I am.

Well at least pretend how strong I am.

I remained silence as she tilted her head to the side and gave me a funny look.

"Why are you still living?" She asked.

I honestly couldn't answer that, I just looked up her with no emotion.

"Answer me!!" She yelled as I startled.

"Because.... Because...."

"Because what?.... Oh yeah nothing. You shouldn't even been here go slit your wrist and go hang yourself." She laughed at herself as I looked down.

"Well I think you better stop because your scaring Jackson."

"My poor baby. The only reason I'm stopping this is so Jackson gets the sleep he deserve unlike you..." She looked at me in disgust.

I ran up the stairs to see if Jackson was okay.

He was sat at the top of the landing with his head down in his little hands as I walked up to him.

"Everything's going to be okay now."


"Promise." I smiled as I tucked him into bed then got into bed myself then Janice finally went to sleep not long after.


I got into school and I couldn't see Ashton anywhere, I hope he doesn't find me because I'm a freak and it will ruin his life if he talks to me.

I turned around to see Ashton walking in my direction, oh god, he looked perfect.

"Hi, Andie."

"Hey, Ashton, wanna hang with me and Calum?" Paris asked standing in front of him blocking me.

"Um, I wanna talk to Andie." And that's when my heart started to pound, in worry of what Paris is gonna do.

"Excuse me. Why would you want to talk to that?" Paris said flipping her blonde hair.

"She's not a 'that' do you know that she has feelings, just like you, just like me, just like all the boys you have slept with then dumped because your done with them? Do you know that? Obviously you don't understand what it's like to be hurt." He said in anger.

"Y-You know nothing about me. T-That's a lie!"

"Oh but I do and tell that to your little fan page and if you don't want anything finding out... tell your friends not to tell anyone."

"My fan page is good things being said about me by my fans and-"

"Why do you even have fans? Because your rich? Because you get everything you want? Because your popular?"

"Yeah, I am all that and because people look up to me. I mean if you was a ten year old girl would you look up to me?" She laughed.


She gasped and walked away but it was funny because she tried to run but she couldn't with her ten inch heels.

"You do know your going to get loads of rumours spread about you now and it's only your second day." I laughed a little at the end.

"I don't even care." He laughed.

"I like you, you seem different. But a good different..." I trailed off.

"You too."

"Yeah but I'm not good different."

"Who said that?"

"Everyone, I'm just awkward and ew. I mean why would you even want to talk to me?"

"Because I think your pretty rad."

I blushed and the first bell rang and I pointed behind me saying, "I gotta get to class."

"Ok, goodbye."

"Bye." I smiled before walking away.

I actually think Ashton is different to normal boys. He's more understanding and more perfect than the other boys. I would love to talk to him more but all boys are not perfect and when he realised how weird I am, he'd stop talking to me.

Meh, I'm so awkward I hate me and my life.



not sure how this went...

um I actually meant to update this yesterday but it never updated so...

i updated it today but i wrote it yesterday.



ok, bye

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