Fated To You

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This story is dedicated to all that have read private lessos, to private wedding and up to here, because if it weren't for them this whole story wouldn't have never been here and i probably wouldn't be able to finish my first story!


The long awaited sequel of Private Lessons. (optional to read private lessons to get a better understanding of the story but you don't have to if you don't want to.)

Can you love someone too much?

Raine lived a perfect life, with loving and caring parents she couldn’t ask for more when all of a sudden; that perfect family frame breaks apart and reveal who she really is, everything just seemed like a whole complete lie.

After finding out who she really is, her world suddenly turned upside down. Rouges and hunters are after her so now she was force to have someone to tail her every move and that someone just happened to be the mysterious hot bad boy.

Easy right? But that’s where she’s wrong, her new hot bodyguard just happened to be… dangerous and off limits.

Throw in a hot bodyguard and an overly protective parents and what do you get? A hot mess.

Will Raine be able to keep her hands off of him before her parents finds out?

Or will she helplessly fall for his sweet dangerous trap?

Read to find out!

(contains sexual content)

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