Chapter 8 - Have I reached your heart?

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Chapter 8 – Have I reached your heart?


It’s been weeks since that time when Hunter did that to me on the top of his car hood out in the open. All though it was great and all but ever since then I’ve started craving for his touch more and its driving me insane after when he acted as if nothing had happened during the next day and until now.

This is like the third week ever since Hunter touched me, every time he comes over to tutor me or order me to clean his shack for some unknown reason—I’ve always tried to grab his attention to the point that I have started to wear revealing clothing just so that he would look at me with his eyes filled with lust but it never happened and now I was growing desperate.

I don’t know what’s wrong with him because few weeks ago he was like some sort of hungry predator eating me up, no pun intended—and then one second he goes back to ignorant asshole Hunter who never even utters a word to me unless I do something wrong and it’s eating me up!

Is something wrong with me?

Am I not his type?

Did I turn him off?

What did I do wrong?

Does he hate me?

Will he reject?

Those kinds of questions invaded my mind and started making me feel self-conscious.

What was wrong with me?

I know I’m not the tall beautiful model every guy likes—or worst even Hunter—but one thing I’m sure of is that I’m not bad.

Oh great! Look at what he has done to me?!

I used to feel confident and good about myself despite everyone’s hurtful words thrown at me at school and now those are getting to me as well. What if they were right?

What if I’m indeed a loser?

That thought made me shook my head no furiously as I slap my cheeks in attempt to gather myself.

This isn’t me!

I’m a Romero, daughter of one of the strongest alpha in America and the past red-wolf.

I am Raine Romero!

“ARG!” I let out a frustrated sigh and sat back down defeated onto my chair and cursed the pile of papers and books in front of me.

Where is he?

It’s five in the afternoon already and he hasn’t arrived yet.

Usually he comes here after school but today he was surprisingly late.

He was never late.

And that thought made me grow more anxious and nervous.

Did he finally leave me?

He can’t!

I got up from my chair and closed my books and jumped onto my bed while urging myself not to cry but for some reason I can’t.

Look what’s he’s done!

Stupid Hunter!

“I was late for a few hours and this is what I find” I heard a familiar deep voice that never failed to cause shivers to run up and down my spine.

Although I wanted to look up but I was too… scared.

I don’t really want him to see me like this. I don’t want him to keep doing this to me. I don’t want him to keep playing with my heart and my mind.

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