Chapter 1- The beginning under the crescent moon

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Chapter 1- The beginning under the crescent moon

"Fate is nothing but the deeds commited in a prior state of existence"


With each turn I made I became more confused, I was getting really scared and all I want was to have my mama and papa to find me.

As I try to find my way out of the woods I suddenly heard something crunch from afar, yes my hearing was that amazing despite the fact that I’m a werewolf—that’s right I’m a werewolf—partly more likely since I haven’t been able to shift for some unknown reason but nonetheless even though I can’t shift my hearing and sight was way better than a normal werewolf like me and that is one of the reason why I am alone right now.

This is one of the times I wished I listened to my parents but being the stubborn me I managed to get curiosity got the best of me.

And you know that saying that ‘curiosity killed the cat’ although it wasn’t really referring to someone like me since I’m part dog—ha-ha—get it?—wolf jokes? Never mind…

Anyway I wished I listened to mama’s idioms but what can I say I wasn’t really the smart cookie in the family.

Oh I nearly forgot to introduce myself.

My name’s Raine Romero the first daughter of one of the strongest alpha in the states, I’m part Asian and part Hispanic from my mama’s and papa’s side so basically I’m one of those exotic beauty, yes I just called myself a beauty, I’m quite a looker myself if I may say because of my papa’s genes as well as my mom but I wished I only inherited papa’s characteristic not that I hate my mama or anything but she is also a beauty but there is only one flaw with her, yep that’s right, the flaw with every Asian: height.

I admit I’m short… well really short compared to my age which was 17 by the way and 18 in the next few weeks but back to my height, because my mama was practically short I just happened to inherit her height as well as her eyes!

Apart from me and my younger siblings they all inherited papa’s height so that makes me and mama the shorties in the family, what great honour! Note the sarcasm.

I continued to find my way out of the woods which was harder than mission impossible if I might say so.

And like I mentioned earlier I wasn’t really the smartest cookie in the family that also comes with no sense of direction, pitiful for a wolf right?

I know no need to tell me.

I made another turn only find that the trail ends here!

“ARG!!!” I screamed out of frustration, I don’t how long I have been out here but I fairly know that I’ve been here for nearly the whole afternoon.

I feel like pulling my hair out of frustration but I knew better because I tried it before.

“Wah!!!” I wailed hoping that anyone can hear me, I don’t care whoever finds me as long as someone finds me because me night never really got along well.

As soon I thought of that I wished I never did as I heard something suspicious just a few meters away from me, I tried to calm down and replay what papa has taught me about fighting.

I tried to focus my hearing and I can hear the suspicious coming closer and I was nervously waiting for it when suddenly it stopped as in deadly stop.

I started freaking out but my legs finally gave up on me, I was never really a fan of tight dresses and killer heels right now.

If you’re wondering why, well I’m currently dressed in a blue really tight knit halter dress with six inches white platform heels that is now covered in mud, oh god… Clarisse will definitely kill me.

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