Chapter 11 - Hunter's fate 1

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Chapter 11 – Hunter’s fate



I tried to avoid you, I tried to forget about you... but at the end the harder I tried, the more I thought about you...

I’ve been watching and protecting you without you knowing to the point that I’ve been around you so much that you end being a part of me and when I don’t see you just for a day or even for an hour I somehow end up not knowing who I am without you...

I look at Raine’s peaceful sleeping face snuggled warmly close to my chest and just like that without her knowing she managed to calm my relentless heart.

I gently touch her sleeping face and slowly caress it as if trying to paint her into my mind because I know for sure I can’t always stay by her side.

After her attempt to reject me I never felt something so much painful than a wound or an injury...  the thought of officially losing her made me realise that I’m already too far to turn around from this fate I was supposed to avoid.

At a young age I was thought to harden my heart and was trained till my bones can no longer hold me up... I didn’t know who I was and I was happy that way until I first met her when she was still in her mother’s womb.

I knew I had to disregard my attraction for her but as she grows older I feel myself being drawn into her more until I realised I can no longer turn around like I used to and officially has been bound to her without even her knowing.

I tried to fight it, I tried to make her hate me, and I tried to make her leave me... because that way it would be easier for me to carry on what I was supposed to do but it was already too late... I can no longer the fate that was bounded between us.

I’ve been warned about my fate and what I was supposed to do but when I first saw her I found it hard to go with it.

Without knowing it myself I have already started falling for her...

The way she would smile at the smallest thing.

The way she would try to get my attention.

The way her smile reaches her eyes when I started acting warm to her... everything... all of it... without me knowing has already been planted in my brain and especially my heart.

With her I found my way back to my heart again.

I let out a smile... a genuine one when I saw her lazily opens her eyes and looked at me with those big brown eyes of hers with surprise but was soon replaced with adoration and love and I couldn’t help but smile widely at her.

I never knew seeing her smile at me one more time could make my heart beat like this.

Unconsciously I found myself moving closer to her and when our lips connected like a piece of puzzle my wolf for the first time awakened before I chose to stay with Selena instead of chasing after her.

I quickly pulled away from her only to see hurt and disappointment in her eyes the moment our lips parted but if we continue like this I wouldn’t be able to stop myself like I did when I found her in the woods... my wolf took over not that I regretted it and just like that took her innocence for me to claim.

That was the first time I lost control of my wolf, I’ve been trained to control everything and for the first time just seeing her made me lose everything and claimed her but before I could fully claim her I gained my control back.

I was meant to slept with her and worst claim her like I was supposed to because of the council’s orders but it’s getting tiring to fight it every day especially when I have a temptress of a mate.

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