Chapter 13 - Hunter's fate 3

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Chapter 13 – Hunter’s fate 3

A few weeks later....

Here goes nothing.

I never knew I would have to come back to this place like this after all.

It was and always has been when I usually come back here was to receive an order but going back here with a different motive is sure is different.

I mean I’ve been doing this for the last couple of 10 or more years so I guess this is completely new and strange to me...

I let out a deep breath and finally made my way inside the council.

The werewolf council.

The moment I entered everyone and I mean everyone in the council looked at me with expectation, like they always have, after all I always return with the job done but today is different.

“Is the old man busy?” I asked one of the guards and as if on time I heard him reply.

“No, this old man is not busy” I turned around and saw the old guy, the same old guy who gave me the job, the same old guy who raised me up, the same old guy that I still refuse to call by his rightful name.

“The job...” I started off but found myself uncomfortable to talk about it with everyone listening, after all this is what they have been waiting for.

“Come” the old guy said as I followed him to his office that never changed.

After the door and walls were sealed away from prying ears, old man then sat on his leather sit and I follow suit.

“I’m guessing there’s a problem with the job?” he asked, more like a statement.

I didn’t respond for awhile.

“Sorry” that was all I could manage.

“I failed, I couldn’t do it”

“There’s a different between couldn’t and wouldn’t Hunter, but don’t worry I know what you are going through but you should then know what the consequences are”


“The only way for you to not to this job is either you finish it—which you ‘couldn’t’—and—the last one is you’ll have to leave the council, which mean you’ll have to be cursed something even I wouldn’t be able to stop with my power”

“Will you be willing to sacrifice this much?” he asked and I looked at him dead straight on.

“Even if it costs my life, as long as she’s safe and sound.” I replied with determination.

“You know Hunter, you never failed to amaze me even when I first took you in.” He said, “I wish I could have the same bravery the you have”

I looked at him with a questioning look.

What is he talking about?

“Run away with her” he said and it took awhile for me to realise what he was talking about, but when I finally understood my eyes widen in surprise.

Well... this wasn’t I was expecting for... I was expecting for him to lock me up or something... but...

“You said you’re willing to sacrifice anything for her, this will be your punishment for being unable to follow the rules, section 14 under the rules and regulation of being a hunter for the council; the hunter must never fall in love with the target. You will run away with her and in exchange you will no longer be part of the council and will always forever be a wanted rogue... a fugitive in simple words.”

“Can you do it?” he asked and I found myself nodding in respond.

“You should know that this is the only way I can keep you both safe... disappear... vanish... do anything you can to make it look like you two never even existed because this way no one will be looking for you... go back to her, you have less than an hour before the rest of the council finds out about this, oh and Hunter... thank you, thank you for loving my great granddaughter” he said before casting out a spell and the next thing I knew I was back to Raine’s pack.

I never knew that the old man even had a family...

Oh crap, I nearly forgot... how long do I have...

45 minutes...


I quickly shifted to my wolf and ran back to my awaiting mate.

-          - - - - - - - -

As I was about to enter the pack house I was attacked by a large midnight black wolf.

We both snarled at each other before I realised that it was Raine’s father.

I quickly bowed my head down in respect and so did he.

I shifted back to my human form and so did he, he went to get changed behind a tree and seconds later came out with a pair of basketball shorts on his hands.

He threw it at me and I quickly put it on.

“There’s roughly half an hour left, with your permission alpha, I need to take your daughter away from here, I cannot promise you that you will see her again but this is the only way I could save her before the council finds out that I failed the job that was assigned to me.” I quickly rushed before we both run inside.

The moment I entered the pack house, Raine's intoxicating scent hit my nostrils.

"Hunter? Hunter?!!" I heard her melodic voice said before she run up to me in full force and automatically I wrapped my arms around her and burried my face onto her neck.

God I missed her so much!

"Where were you?" she cried before glaring at me, after all I did promise her that I wouldn't leave.

"Go pack your stuff" I told her but in return she only looked at me confusingly.

"My daugther is not going anywhere" Raine's father growled but I growled back, not caring if I disrespected him, because right now I need my mate safe even if that means I have to take her away.

I know I sound selfish but I would do anything just to keep Raine safe.

"Bow down pup!" he growled

"No" I snarled back as I watch him ready to shift and pounce on me.

"Go pack Raine" I told her and she hesitantly left the room.

"Alpha calm down, I mean no harm... but if I don't leave now with your daugther before the coucil comes then I can assure that she will never be able to wake up to another day." I quickly rushed out and that seemed to calm him down and just on time, his wife and other pack members entered the room.

"Do what you have to do, Lucas Romero you better stop growling this instant!" Raine's mother ordered and I nodded my head to her before going up to look for Raine, while the luna deals with the alpha.



sorry for the late update, just finished prom and I have to deal with lots of stuff...

also just for the heads up this story is about to end and after this finishes I'll start writing my first ever action story as well as maybe another normal romance novel since its holiday and its summer!!!

woop woop!!!

anywho... have a fun filled holidays guys cause I will xx

see ya'll when I see you =D

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