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“HUNTEEEERRRR!!!!!” Raine’s piercing scream was so loud that it was enough to break the peacefulness of the entire mountain.

“HUNTERRR!!!!” she screamed louder this time and in an instant Hunter ran inside the temple where he found his mate screaming in pain on the floor clutching her very round stomach while water piles on her feet.

“Pussycat...” he run up to her side and placed his hand on top of Raine’s round stomach.

“Call the old man!!! DAMNIT!!!” she cursed as her face contorted with pain.

Hunter was stricken with panic, since their pup wasn’t due till the next few weeks.

“W-wait h-here” he stuttered out of panic for the first time, his usual cool and calm demeanour was once again destroyed because of Raine and it seemed to be happening after living in the mountains for more than two years now after he faked their death when the council demanded for Raine to be turned in since the rogues and hunter have found out her whereabouts and in order to prevent a war they must got rid of Raine.

But fortunately Hunter’s adoptive father or as he addresses as ‘the old man’ in the council told him to run away with her in exchange for both of them to be alive is that they have to die or vanish from the others eyes.

“There’s no time!” Raine screamed, “AH!!!”

“Hunter!!!” she screamed once again and once again Hunter was left dazed.

“O-Okay” he stuttered as he helped Raine lie down in a comfortable position on her back before min linking the old man which was the monk who has been living in the mountains and the one who took care of Raine’s mother; Caroline.

“Shit!” Hunter cursed not knowing what to do, well he does but he was just caught off guard and now he doesn’t know what to do.

Calm down Hunter, he told himself before letting out a deep breath and encouraged Raine to push when the monk decided to finally show up and told Hunter to get warm water and towel.

(Skipping the birth delivery part since I’m lazy...)

“She’s beautiful...” Hunter murmured as he holds his baby girl for the first time for what seemed like an eternity while he watches Raine painfully give birth right in front of him.

“It’s a girl...” he smiled as he looked at his tired mate with sweat covering her.

Raine faintly managed to break a smile before trying to reach her hand out to her baby girl.

Hunter lowered their baby girl to Raine’s height so that she can see better and the moment Raine held her newborn pup all her tiredness magically vanished away after seeing the most fragile yet beautiful creature in front of her.

“Alina... Alina... my beautiful Alina...” she whispered to her now sleeping pup, “She’s so beautiful” she said before tears escaped her eyes and Hunter can’t help but adore the two beautiful women in his life.

"Raine...?” Hunter called out to his mate who was now starting to close his eyes and in that moment he started hearing her mate’s beating heart... slowly... dying away...

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