Chapter 9 - Truth & Lies

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Chapter 9 – Truth & Lies

“Truth hurts but lies are worst”



The moment we reached Hunter’s shack I felt him stiffen before gently putting me down on to my feet as he ordered me to go inside and meet him down the basement.

I don’t know why but I followed his orders nonetheless and winced my way down to his basement while totally experiencing the painful tenderness between my thighs reminding me of what happened.

I smiled at the thought of finally having Hunter to look at me, I let out a happy sigh as a huge grin crept into my face, and finally all of my chasing has been finally paid!

I’ve been waiting for a long time, well to me it’s long since now that Hunter and I have done the deed the bond between us only grew stronger and now it’s harder and difficult to be separated away from him for only a short period of time.

If this is how it’s going to be from now on, then what about the future?

Oh boy...

To get rid of my boredness, I don’t even know if that’s a word, the bookshelves plastered against the bare wall caught my attention.

I slowly made my way towards the bookshelves and wondered why Hunter kept all of these old books here, from my judgement it looked like it hasn’t been touched for ages judging by the dusts covering them.

I randomly picked a book and pulled it out before dusting it off and the title caught me off guard.

“The tale of the Demon wolves” I read out loud, there no images on the front cover but it was only covered by big italics lettering of the title.

Hesitantly I slowly opened the book and the moment I opened it I let out a gasp.

I quickly flipped through the pages and soon regretted it when I read the vile sad stories about the demon wolves.

It is said here on the books that they were once one of the most beautiful creature mother nature created, they were so beautiful enough to bewitch someone and because of this great power they hold everyone wanted to be them, the greed their power made the vulnerable turn into monsters.

Because of this the demon wolves or as of now called the red wolves continues to run and run and run because they can’t bring themselves to hurt anyone, therefore they lived their life like some sort of fugitives in order to not bring harm to others but this backfired, they were unable to trust anyone and when they did everything broke loose.

It is said on the book that the used to be beautiful red wolf turned into a demon when it was betrayed by their mate, and because of this their spirit are locked up into a vessel that would prevent their power from being released and that is to be entrapped inside a human body, not just any human body but the purest of kind and that is a new born child.

Because of the child’s purity it weakens the demon wolf’s power allowing it to be trapped but once the vessel is corrupted this allows the demon wolf’s spirit to be awaken but in order to prevent this the child vessel is taken somewhere where someone can corrupt their existence and that is for the child to live in isolation, far away from the corruption and greed the world has created.

I don’t why but I couldn’t bring myself to read the book any longer so I placed it back to where I took it from but something caught my eye when I was about to place the book back.

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