Chapter 10 - We ruined each other by being together

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Chapter 10 – We ruined each other by being together


When he stayed by her side, it was like someone had ripped my heart out, crumbled it up like a flimsy piece of loose paper and cramped it back into my chest. It somehow managed to work, but it will never, ever feel the same.

And just like that I realised we ruined each other by being together.

I never thought someone like him is capable of doing something like this even though knowing the consequences of what would happen.

But what do I know?

I never really knew anything about him, I don’t even completely know anything about myself anymore.

Why did everything turned out to be like this?

Is this the supposed to be cursed those books told me?

I guess, I know the answer now because right now it’s no longer the same.

My once warm beating heart has turned cold and even I don’t know when I can mend and melt this curse.

I continued to stare at the plain white ceiling above me and tried to erase every memory of Hunter in my mind.

I don’t even know how I got here but I don’t really care about anything right now.

I’m too broken to care about everything.

I was so lost in my mind on planning on how to end everything when I suddenly heard the door open and close and a very familiar scent hit my nose.

“Get out” my voice came out croaky and weak probably from not talking to anyone these pass few weeks.

Yes, I’ve been here for the past few weeks not talking to anyone or paying attention to anyone not even my parents or my siblings.

I was actually surprise yet angry that he finally decided to show up even though I don’t even know why he’s here.

I waited for him to leave like the rest did but he just remained where he was and I the same.

I lost every will to continue living right now that all I can feel is nothing but numbness.

Why didn’t he leave?

He shouldn’t be here in the first place!

He’s probably here to finish me off like how he was supposed to... yeah that must be it.

I should be happy right? This is what I wanted right?

“What are you waiting for?” I asked him but he didn’t reply.

“You’re going to kill me anyway so why don’t you do it now?” I asked him but he didn’t reply and it was starting to get on my nerves.

“This is your chance—”

“You think this is easy?” he cut me off something I didn’t see coming.

“You think this is easy?” he repeated but this time it was my turn to ignore him.

“Trust me I would’ve done it, I can easily kill anyone before they could touch me, that’s what I was trained for...” his voice came out weak at the end and I know he was trying his best to stop himself showing his weak inside in front of me.

“Why didn’t you?” I asked him while still looking at the ceiling.

“Because I couldn’t...” he replied but I knew that was all bullsh*t.

“Bullsh*t!” I scoffed, “We both know you can do it, you said so yourself, you’re a killer, that was your purpose, that was... that was why you suddenly showed up... you knew from the start... you could’ve done it without letting yourself feeling anything...”

To be honest I don’t really know what I want from him but why did I suddenly become a complete b*tch like this?

“Your right, I could’ve done it but I didn’t... and you know why...? Because I didn’t want to... I didn’t want to...” he finally managed to say before breaking to tears.

I wanted to comfort him, to tell him that I understand but I couldn’t.

Because I know that if I go back to his side we’ll only ruin each other by being together.

Why didn’t I listen about meeting him?

I knew we were incompatible but why didn’t I listen?

We were meant to be but at the same we aren’t meant to be together.

“Go... Leave... From now on... stay away from me...” I weakly told him as I avoid his gaze and try to ignore his pained expression.


“I Raine Romero reject you Hunter” I said and suddenly felt the familiar painful burning on my chest.

I try to muffle my screams but it was just unbearable like when I was in the woods that time when he picked that girl over me.

“ARG!!!” I let out a pain filled scream when suddenly I was embraced a pair of warm sturdy arms and somehow just like that the pain slowly vanished.

“What’s happening?” I heard mama asked with a panicked voice as my family enter my room filled with worry.

“Why is he here?” Papa asked, now I know why he was here... I knew papa wouldn’t let the person who caused me to be in so much pain to be here in the same room as I am... Hunter must’ve sneaked in.

“Don’t...” I heard mama said, probably stopping papa from attacking Hunter.

I don’t know how papa could be stopped that easily when I realised that when Hunter pulled away from me the pain and instinct of losing him hit me and surprisingly made me cling onto him.

This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!

I heard papa cursed under his breath before mama finally understanding the situation and forced papa to leave the room.

When the door closed leaving the two of us I quickly pushed him away but soon regretted it when I found myself whimpering for him to touch me.

“I guess this means were going to be together closely from now on” Hunter grins before I threw my pillow at him which he of course easily caught.



Hey guys, just a short message to tell you how sorry i am for not being able to update and for this short chapter as well.

I’ve been busy with exams, prom’s coming up, my birthday came up, more exams... so yeah, i’ve just been really busy and i only had a short time to write something and i’m still having writer’s block but hopefully when all of my exam finishes (June20 >.<) i’ll be able to update regularly and probably even start a new story :) anyway happy reading!

The Wallflower 

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