Chapter 7 - Getting closer to him...

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Chapter 7 – Getting closer to him…


I woke up with the sound of birds chirping from outside, you might say what a lovely sound it is to wake up to, but considering its me and the fact that I haven’t properly gotten any sleep since yesterday’s event wouldn’t exactly make me the happiest person right now.

I rolled onto my side and pulled my duvet over my head but those damn birds are just too damn noisy!

“ARG!” I let out a frustrated groan as I bury my face onto my soft pillow.

“Somebody kill those goddamn birds!” I screamed out of frustration when I suddenly I heard his sexy voice.

“You’re not a very nature person aren’t you?” Hunter sarcastically asked as he pulls my duvet off of me.

Nobody. And I mean nobody messes with my sleep!

I immediately grabbed the duvet out of his hand and covered myself with it and retreated back to my bed when he pulled it off of me again and before I can go back and retreat it he easily grabbed me by my waist and literally threw me inside my bathroom.

“You have 5 minutes to wake yourself up and get ready” he said before closing my bathroom door.

I let out a yawn and laid myself on the floor, using my towel as a cover.

I’m just too tired to do any of this.

Can’t I get some ‘me’ time?

God, I hate him sometimes!

I was starting to warm up to my new sleeping place when the door flung open and with so much roughness I felt Hunter—judging by the sparks I felt when our skin touched—pulled me out of the floor and onto his shoulder.

What’s with him throwing me over his shoulder?

Can’t he be a gentleman for once and carry me like a princess?

Who am I kidding, this is Hunter were talking about?

Usually I would’ve tried to pry him off and make him put me down but I’m too lazy to do anything.

This is what studying does to you!

I was starting to doze off once again when Hunter threw me inside his car and to be honest I’m used to it.

I don’t even care where he’s taking me because right now sleep is the only thing in my head.

I don’t know how long I’ve fallen asleep but now I regret ever falling asleep.

I only realised just now that Hunter was carrying me towards my doom.

“No!” I started to pound onto his chest and kicked my legs furiously in attempt for him to put me down but he was damn too strong.

I am not going inside there!

Not now, not ever!

“LET ME DOWN!” I screamed but it was too late, Hunter kicked the old wooden door open and actually dropped me onto the floor that I managed to clean not too long ago but now it was again left how I first saw it.

I looked up and glare at him.

If looks could kill he would’ve been long gone by the amount of daggers I’m throwing at him through my glare.

I quickly got up and made my way towards the door but he caught me easily.

“Time to clean Pussycat” he taunted against my ear and immediately I shuddered from how sexy his voice sounded.

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