Chapter 12 - Hunter's fate 2

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Chapter 12 – Hunter’s fate 2

The ground was stained with blood that was now hidden from many lifeless bodies in front of me.

Cries of pain and victory were heard until there was silence.

The silence of submission... the silence of death... the silence of knowing that I was the only one left....

I wanted to come out, to help, to fight... but I couldn’t... they told me that I must stay alive at all cost but I never knew that fighting with them during that time would have made my future much easier than the path I was walking on right now.

I should’ve died then... I shouldn’t have lived... because if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be facing the most difficult decision I would ever make in my life.

I wouldn’t have to make the decision to kill her... to kill the only reason I was forced to live for at all cost and at the same time the reason why I’m still here...

I knew... I god damn knew but I ignored it!

I wasn’t meant to fall for her but this stupid heart of mine didn’t listen to my mind!

And because of this stubborn heart of mine is the exact reason why I’m currently in a tight pinch.


It’s been a few weeks of complete heaven that will soon turn into hell.

Raine is currently taking a shower after our little steamy activity in her bedroom but I decided that we should stop because I know for sure that she wouldn’t be able to walk for weeks like last time if we continued and thus I am here lying comfortably in her bed because if I joined her we both know where that would head.

I let out a deep sigh and the image of Raine smiling flashed through my head and I can’t help but smile as well... damn I fell hard.

“You sure did” I heard a familiar feminine voice said and with that I quickly sat up in alarm as I looked at Selena and towards Raine’s bathroom door and back to her.

“Why are you here?” I asked her and all she did was replied by throwing her knife at me which I quickly dodged.

“You shouldn’t have done it... you knew what would happen” she said as she went to get her knife back which was now pierced into the wall.

“I don’t want to do this anymore” I answered her but she just gave me a disappointed look, I mean we grew up together at a young age trained as a secret assassin for the council but I decided that I don’t want to do it anymore... because I found something else much more better.

“If I kill her then you wouldn’t be saying that” she replied in a monotone voice before heading towards Raine’s bathroom door.

I quickly run up to her and stood in front of the bathroom door.

“Move Hunter” she said, “This will be best for you”

“No” I stubbornly replied.

“Don’t make me do this Hunter because you know I would” she said but I didn’t listen to her.

“Leave Selena because you know I would do anything to protect her even if it means breaking our long friendship then that is what I would do” I told her and for a moment I saw hurt flashed in her eyes which was soon replaced by the masked we were trained to put on every day but I found someone capable of getting rid of that mask for me and that is Raine.

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