Chapter 8

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Grayson's POV

Jack pulled into Red Robins, and finds a spot in the parking lot, we all got out, Lilly grabbed the diaper bag while picked up Bailey's car seat

We walked in and the place was packed, but not to where there's a line out the door

We followed the waitress to a booth that's in the back, and we took a seat, I let Lilly sit first then I sit next to her, Jack and Madison sat across from us

Bailey sat on Lilly's lap playing with the kids menu, he kept trying to put it in his mouth but Lilly had to stop him

We order our food, and the waitress left to get our drinks, I see Jack elbow Madison

"So Lilly Where Are You From?" She asked uneasy

"I'm actually from California" she says

"Isn't Jack from Nebraska?" She asked

"Yeah, we moved to California when our mom was pregnant with me" I say

"Oh" she says

It was quiet until I elbowed Lilly, she looked at and I gave her a look

"Where are you from?" Lilly asked

"New York" she says

"That's cool" Lilly says not really putting in effort

Different waitress comes with our drinks, Lilly got Lemonade, I got Lemonade too, Jack got a Pepsi and Madison has a water

It was a even longer wait for our food no one talk except for Lilly and Bailey

The waitress comes back with our food and another followed with another waitress

Once we all got our food we started eating, Madison got a  Shrimp Salad, Jack got BBQ wings, and Lilly and I both got a hamburger and fries

Bailey really wanted to grab a fry From Lilly's plate, but kept having to stop him

"Can you hand me his applesauce" Lilly asked

I go into his diaper bag and picked up the applesauce and a spoon, I gave it to Lilly

She put some on a empty plate and let him eat it with his hands, Jack started laughing when it got on his nose

"Give me his bib" Lilly asked

I go into his diaper bag, and grabs his bib and gives it to Lilly, Lilly takes it and put it on Bailey

We continue eating it silence since nobody made the effort to start a conversation

And Bailey was eating so sloppy, it was adorably funny

Then Bailey threw some applesauce at Madison's face, making all of us laugh, Jack gave her some napkins. While I take away Bailey's applesauce

"You should really teach him some manners!" Madison snapped at Lilly who was low key still laughing

"He's 3 months, he can barely sit up on his own" Lilly says

"It's never too late for him to learn, I mean it wouldn't be right if did this" Madison says getting a handful of her salad and throwing it at Lilly's face

Both of Jack and I eyes widened

"Madison!" Jack says

"What!, I'm just teaching her" she says

"You're right, and it won't be so wrong if I did this" Lilly says

I quickly take Bailey out of Lilly's lap and put him in his car seat, and put his cover over him

Lilly reached over to a cart that was sitting next to us, and grabbed a handful of spaghetti and threw it at Madison's face some got on Jack

Madison gasped standing up, she grabbed some chocolate cake that was on the cart as well and threw it at Lilly but Lilly ducks and it hits a person in the face

I turned a to see a lady who was in a expensive dress and her face is covered in cake, she then angrily stuffed her hand into some mashed potatoes and threw it, hitting the back of Lilly's head

Lilly turns around with her burger in her hand, she tries to aim for the lady but it hits the manager, the manager threw some chicken at another guy aiming for Lilly then a huge food fight started

I quickly grabbed Bailey's car seat and ran towards the bar, I hid behind it to see a waitress who was also hiding that

"Hey, can you watch my baby?" I asked

She nods, I push his car seat towards her, I stood back up and I went to find Lilly, I got hit multiple different types food

I found Lilly putting some girl in a head lock while she tried to pull Lilly's hair

I walk towards her when I feel someone hit throws apple pie at the back of my head, I turn around to see a guy, I grab him by his shirt and punch him in his face he falls back

I was about to walk away when I get jumped by three other guys, I fought them off but then one of them hold me down while another one punched

But jack soon came and helped me out

"Have you seen Madison?" He yelled over the noise

"No!" I say

He walked off I'm guessing to go look at her

I walk towards Lilly, I make her let go of the girl, I tried to calm her down but it was too loud so she couldn't hear me

I go and get Bailey from the waitress, I thank for watching after him, I go towards to see a security guard dragging Lilly out followed by another one carrying Madison, Jack was chasing after her

"Aye, Put Down My Girlfriend!" I say I follow them out

If you want to update the next chapter please go read, vote and comment my new book called ; Friends With Benefits and comment when done

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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