Chapter 67

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Lilly's POV

After spending two weeks in the hospital they finally released us, the last two would of been hard for both Grayson and I but if it wasn't for Lisa I don't think Grayson and I would have made it here

I'm folding some clothes in the living room when, Lisa walks in

"Hey" I say

"Hey, Sweetie" Lisa says

"I've thinking why don't we have a girl's day?" Lisa asked

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah" she nods

"Sure, When?" I asked

"Right Now" she says

"Right Now?" I asked

She nods

"Um I kinda have to finish folding those clothes" I say

"You can leave them there and pick them up when we get back" she says

"Okay" I say getting up

"But um what about Bailey, Kendyll and Ryleigh?" I asked

"I just laid the girls down for a nap and Grayson can take care of Bailey" she says

"Alright, can I change real quick?" I asked

"Go ahead" she says

I rushed upstairs changed into a shirt and shorts with some simple vans, I brushed my hair up in a bun

I walked pit to see Grayson playing cars with Bailey which made me smile

I rush back down stairs when Lisa was waiting for me, we left out the door and got in her car

She started her car and pulled out of her driveway and started driving

"Grayson never told me, where you guys stayed" she says

"We stayed with my brother but it didn't last forever" I say

"Why not?" She asked

"He had a girlfriend, he didn't notice me so Grayson, Bailey and I moved out" I say

"I just want to tell you how strong, you really are Lilly, you've been through so much and you had a positive attitude about it" she says

"Thanks" I smiled


We first went to a nail salon where we got our nails painted, Lisa picked a Lilac nail polish and I was going to get a pink to celebrate my girls but Lisa convince me to get white

After that i got my hair did and my makeup done, I didn't want to but Lisa told me it's a me day to relax

We then want shopping, I picked out some outfits for myself, Lisa picked out her outfits, I picked out a dress for Lisa and she found a dress

"It's pretty" I say looking at the dress

"Go try it on" she says

"Okay" I say going into the dressing room and into a room

I changed out of my shirt and shorts into the dress, I walked out to show Lisa

"Wow" she says

"What do you think?" I asked

"I think you look beautiful" she says

"Thank You" I say

"Take a look at yourself" she says

I turn around to look at myself "it's really pretty twirling around" I say

"That's it we're getting" she says

"No, Lisa this is too much, I dont need the dress" I say

"Lilly, this is a you day, you're getting the dress" she says

Turning to a employee and giving him  the money to pay for the dress

"Thank You Lisa" I say

"Your Welcome, Sweetie now put on these heels on" she says

I take off my vans that I was wearing and put on the heels

"You are just gorgeous" she says

i smiled looking at myself in the Mirror, I bought myself a choker that matched the dress, I put my shirt, shorts and vans in an extra bag

Lisa paid for everything even though I tried to pay for half, but Lisa almost threw my wallet in a water fountain

As we walked out of the mall, we walked by a flower bouquet stand when a man gives me a bouquet of flowers

I thanked him as we walked to the car, we put our bags in the backseat and got in the front

Lisa started driving "I want to thank you for everything" I say

"No problem" Lisa says

"You took the wrong, the way home is left" I say

"I wanna show you something before go home" she says

"Okay" I say


We arrivaled at a chapel, with a beautiful garden, we got out and I followed Lisa inside the chapel

She opened the door, and I walked in and Lisa walked in behind me

I look straight ahead and my heart sunk

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam

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