Chapter 58

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Grayson's POV

Today I'm going to pick Lilly up from the hospital, I tried to call but it never went through, I just got dressed, and got some flowers for her

I walked through the hospital doors, I said hello to the lady behind the front counter as I walked past her

I took the elevator to her floor, as I got out the elevator I said hello to the security guard as I walk to her room

I am in front of her door, I lightly knocked before opening door to see Lilly shirtless sitting on Ethan's lap

Lilly hurried and put on a shirt, and looked at me, I was so speechless and I felt my heart being shattered

"What?" I faintly say

"I um think I should leave" Ethan said putting his shirt back on and walking out the room closing the door behind him

"Lilly?" I say

She look up at me

"Why?" I asked

"I was trapped in cell of basement for two months, I couldn't think of anyone but Ethan, he was and is my only friend from the beginning, Grayson you were a dick to me when we first met, Ethan he cared and he loves me, and I love him" she says

"What about Bailey and the twins?" I asked

"You don't actually think they're yours?" She laughed

I dropped the flowers and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me

Ethan was right next to me, I looked at him as the tears was streaming down my face

I walked the opposite direction

"Grayson!" He says stopping me by my arm

I turn around to look at him "What?!" I snapped

"Grayson!" He says

"Grayson!" He says

"Wake Up!" He says shaking me


I jolted up and I look around to see I'm in my room, I look up to see Ethan

"it was just a dream" I whispered

"Get showered and get dressed, we have to go get Lilly" Ethan says

"I already got Bailey dressed" he says walking out

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I splashed some water in my face

"it felt so real" I whispered

I showered and dressed

I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair so I just put on a beanie

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I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair so I just put on a beanie

I walked to Bailey already dress playing with his toys

"I made you a sandwich for quick breakfast" he says

"Thanks" I say

After I was done eating, I grab Bailey and Ethan got his car seat, we went down to his car

I buckled Bailey into his seat, and then I got in the passenger seat

And Ethan drove to the hospital


We're finally at the hospital, Ethan I'd going to wait in the car with Bailey

I went inside to sign her out first, then I took the elevator up to her floor, once the elevator stopped I got off and walked to her room

I opened the door to see no one there

"Lilly?" I call for her

No answer I walk into the bathroom to see its empty


I turn around to see Lilly

She gasped before coming to hug me

"Hey" I smiled hugging her

She pulled away and smiled

"Where were you?" I asked

"I was with Jamie" she says

"How is she?" I asked

"She's in a coma" she says

"Oh" I say

"But it's okay, she'll wake up" she says

"You look beautiful" I say

"Thanks, Jessica bought me the dress" she says spinning around

"Thanks, Jessica bought me the dress" she says spinning around

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"Where's Bailey?" She asked

"He's in the car with Ethan" I say

"Ethan's here too?" She asked

"Yeah, he gave me ride" I say

"What's Wrong?" She asked

"Nothing, I just miss you" I say

"Awww I missed you too" she hugs me again

"you signed me out?" She asked

"Yeah" I say

"Alright let's go" she says taking my hand and walking out her room and out the hospital


We got home, and Lilly is overjoyed, Ethan surprised her with Chinese Food, now I'm just watching Lilly play with Bailey

"Alright, um Emily just got back with the triplets, I'm out" Ethan says

"Bye Ethan" Lilly says

"Bye" he says walking out the door

I got up and followed him out the door "hey Ethan" I say

"Yeah?" He turns around

"Do you um ever think about hooking up with Lilly?" I asked

"Are you asking me do I ever think about cheating on my girlfriend?" He asked crossing his arms

"You know what just drop it, goodnight man" I say

"Night" he says

I walk back in closing the door behind me and locking it

I walk into the living to play with Bailey and Lilly
Plot Twist 😂

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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