Chapter 17

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Lilly's POV

With Madison's little surprise show up last night, she basically ruined all the fun we were having so Grayson and I grabbed Bailey and went to bed to avoid any drama

The next morning, Grayson, Bailey and I woke up pretty early since Sammy woke up pretty early

I felt warm so I changed into one of Grayson's tees in the middle of the night, so when I got up this morning I just put on my shorts and walked downstairs

Grayson was in the bathroom giving Bailey a bath, since he smelt weird this morning

I walked into the kitchen to see Sammy by the sink with a big bowl

"Hey, whatcha doing?" I asked him

"Sup, since Madison missed when we was at the beach, I guessed I wanna show her what she missed, you wanna help?" Sammy smirked

"Sure" I smiled

I helped Sammy walked upstair without spilling the water we snuck into her and Jack's room and hovered the bowl over her

"1....2....3 go!" I mouthed

Sammy dumped all the water on her, she jolted and looked up at us as we laughed at her

"JAAAAAAAAAACK!" She screams

Jack and the rest of the guys ran up here

"what is going on?" Jack asked

"They poured water all over me!" She says dramatically

"I mean it was kinda funny" Sammy giving me a fist bump

"No, it's not what if this water was poisonous" she says

"Well we're got it from the sink, so if it was we'll all be dead" I say sarcastically

We all left Jack's room. While Madison just muttered something under breath

"Good one!" Hayes high five me 

"Thanks" I say


Johnson and I sat out on the patio, just chilling and some small talk, while the most of the guys were asleep when the patio door bursted opened

Hayes, Grayson and Sammy comes running out with water balloons in hands and started throwing them at us

I squealed trying to cover myself with  throw pillow but it wasn't working

Then Jack and Nash comes out with water Nerf guns, and started spraying everyone

I got up and shield myself with Johnson in front of me he tried to run but I held onto him

Johnson tried his best to cover himself   but he was getting soak

"Alright, I think they had enough!" Jack says and everyone stopped

"what was that for?" I asked

"We were bored" Hayes says

"Where's Bailey?" I asked

"He's sleeping" Grayson says

"Okay" I nod taking Jack's Nerf from him and started spraying him, and johnson did the same taking Nash's Nerf gun

We ended up running in the backyard having a water fight once everyone ran outta water we decided to sit around the fire pit and watch the sun go down

After a while one by one got up and went inside to take shower, Johnson and Sammy started to make dinner while Grayson and Jack played with Bailey in the living room

Hayes and I was the only one still on the patio, I cuddled myself with a blanket

"Can I ask you a question, it's kinda personal?" He asked

"Sure, what?" I asked

"Are you and Grayson together?" He asked

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend why?" I asked

"it's just that you seem distant from him" he says

"It's bet we made, he can't flirt with me and I can't touch him, more like we can go longest without sexually touching one another" I say

"Oh" he says

"What?" I asked

"That's why you were being so nice to me, so you can win this bet" he says

"What are you talking?" I asked

"Here I am thinking you might actually like me for something more, but all along I was for a stupid bet" he says

"Okay, maybe I flirted with you just to make Grayson jealous, but I never wanted to give you the wrong message" I say

"I can't believe I was so stupid" he says standing up and walking to patio door

"Wait!, Hayes I'm sorry I didn't know you thought something different, I'm really sorry" I say

"Yeah, course you are" he says opening patio door and walking inside leaving me by myself

I sat down on the log, staring into the fire, I never meant to hurt his feelings. I feel so guilty and I know what I could do to get rid of this guilt I feel

I put out the fire and walked into the cabin closing the door behind me, I see Nash and Jack playing with Bailey while Madison sat next to Jack

Grayson was talking to Sammy and Johnson, I walked over to him and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him upstairs into our room and shutting the door behind us

I pushed him onto the bed and onto his lap, straddling him

"What are doing?-" he asked before I cut him off by kissing him

I ran my hands through his hair while our became deeper, I quickly pulled away to take off my shirt, I was going to lean back in when he stopped

"What's going on?" He ask sitting up

Instead of telling him the truth I say something he wanted to hear

"I can't take anymore, your just so godamn irresistible" I say

"Bout time you realize it" he joked Making me kiss him again

He stopped us and look at me " you sure?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm sure" I nod giving him a peck

"Okay" he trailed taking off his shirt

I started to kiss collar bone softly but as I got to his neck i got rougher

"Wait!" He stops me again

"What?" I asked complaining

"I did say I was going to bring condoms" he says reaching into the nightstand draw and pulled a condom

"Oh so you knew you was going go get luck huh?" I asked

"Yeah" he nods

I kisses him again as I unzipped his short and he unbuckled my bra


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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