Chapter 13

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Lilly's POV

Next couple of week have been fair, but I'm actually trying my best to avoid Madison. Since she does add more stress to me

Bailey turned 4 months and I'm happy that he's a healthy and happy baby

"Hey" Grayson walked into our room lying next to me on our bed

"Hey" I say

"What are you thinkin about?" he asked

"Nothing" I sighed

"You okay?" He asked

"I know what we could do" he smirked wrapping his arm around my stomach

"What do you have in mind?" I say biting my lip looking up at him

"oh I'll tell you what I have in mind" he says scooting closer to me, he begin kissing my cheek and made his way to collar bone

"Grayson" I giggled touching his shoulder

"Grayson" i say again pushing him away still laughing

"Don't worry Bailey is with Jack" he says leaning in to kiss, but I stopped him

"What's Wrong?" He asked

"I don't want to do that..." I say looking down

"Is it something I did or said?" He asked backing away a little

"No, Grayson you didn't do anything wrong, it's just last time we did it, I got pregnant with Bailey" I say

"well I'm going to use protection this time" he says

"it's not just that, I'm not in the condition to get pregnant again" I say

"Okay, I understand but if change your mind" he says

"Thanks" I smile

"But we both know that's going to be quick" he says

"what's that suspose to mean?" I asked

"Lilly, I know you can't control yourself around me" he says

"Um more like the other way around" I say

"You use to get so jealous when Sara use to flirt with me" he says

"I can't be jealous, if your already mine and plus you lost it when you saw Layton hug me that at the restaurant" I say

"Okay, you think I won't be able to go without kissing you?" He asked

"Oh I know you can't" I say

"Well, I know for a fact that you can't go with playing with my hair" he says

"Let's make a deal, you can't touch romantically for a week, and some goes for me" I say

"I'm so in" he says

"But Losers have to change Bailey's dirty diapers for a week" I say

"That's it?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm tired changing his doodoo diapers " I say

"Fine, and winner gets to sleep all night, when Bailey cries at night, loser has to get up" he says

"OK" I nod

"Deal?" He asked

"Deal" I say shaking his hand

Once we pulled our hands away he leaned in but I stopped him

"Nice try" I say getting out the bed and walking out of the room


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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