Chapter 9

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Lilly's POV

The car ride home was quiet and it started to smell, but once we got home   Jack lectured us but I don't really care I did what had to do, plus she threw food first and insulted my son

After Jack was done lecturing us, Grayson helped me wash off all this food with the hose in the backyard after that I took a shower washing my hair and body

I got out to see Grayson already put Bailey to bed, But he walked right pasted to me into the bathroom, is he mad at me?

I walked into my room, and changed into a big tee and undies, I dried my hair with a towel then put it up in a bun before laying down underneath the cover falling asleep quickly


I woke up in my room, Grayson wasn't next to me, I sat up yawning, I got outta bed putting shorts and a bra

I walked into Bailey's room, but he wasn't there,Grayson must have him,  gotten him

I walk down stairs into the kitchen to see Bailey in swing that's sitting on the kitchen island

I walked in farther to see Jack and Madison kissing

"Um Can You Guys Not Do That In Front of My Child?" I asked walking to unstrapped Bailey and pick him up

Jack pulled away immediately facing away from Madison

"We we're watching him while you slept in" Madison snapped back

"Didn't look like it" I say getting ready to walk out but Madison stopped me

"Hey Lilly your hair still smell like shrimp. Just letting you know" she faked smiled

"Madison you smell like fish from last night" I say

"I didn't have fish" she says

"Oops, you probably wanna wash the kitty again" I whispered

Madison jaw dropped

Jack snorted to stop himself from laughing, Madison hit his chest

"Just Letting You Know!" I faked smiled as I walked back upstairs

Once I got upstairs I went into my room and laid Bailey down on my bed so I can change his diaper

I go into his diaper bag and grab a new diaper, I take off the used one and wiped him before putting on the new one, I strapped the diaper up

Now I'm just lightly tickling him, and kissing his hand when Grayson walks in

"Hey" I say before looking back down at Bailey

He doesn't say anything 

I look back up at him, He's looking through the dresser

"Hey" I repeat myself

"Hi" he says not looking at me

"Okay, Why are you avoiding me?" I asked sitting Bailey up on the pillows

"I'm not" Grayson says

"Then why are you ignoring me?" I asked

"What makes you think that?" He asked

"Uh I just said Hey-" I say before he cuts me off

"I said hi" he says

"Not the first time"  I say

"Okay what is up with you been acting really weird since last night" I say

"I just think you didn't need to make that food fight go that far" he says

"I'm a mama bear protection her cub, and she threw food first" I say

"That doesn't mean you stoop down to her level" he says

"What is that suspose to mean?" I asked

"I'm just saying you could of handled it differently" he says

"Okay how would you handle it?" I asked

"I would of sat back down and continue eating" he says

"I think you haven't noticed that she insulted Bailey and Me, and if you haven't noticed again I'm not the type of girl to sit back down when messed with, and it'll be great if you do the Same" I say picking up Bailey and walking towards him

"I'm not going to fight a girl" Grayson says

"Okay, then stand up for me the way I stand for you and Bailey" I say walking out of the room

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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