Chapter 30

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Lilly's POV

The limo parked in front the chapel, Grayson unstrapped Bailey, the driver open the door for us, Grayson, Bailey and I got out first then Ethan and Emily

We walked inside to she a banner that Says:

The pastor walked in to greet us

"you must be the family of the bride and bride" he says shaking our hands

"yeah" Emily nodded

"well, the brides are freshing their selves up come and follow me please" he says turning around and walking away

We followed him to where the ceremony is going to be held, I looked around in awe at all the lights and flowers

"wow" Emily says

"this is where you'll be sitting" he says

We sat down on bench in the front row

"I'm going to go check on the brides" he says walking away

I looked at bailey watching the lights that's on the ceiling and wall


We waited for a couple more minutes until the pastor came and turned on some music

The pastor stand in front of the stage, we stood as we all watched, Alex walking down the aisle, I gasped and Emily squealed when we saw her

The pastor stand in front of the stage, we stood as we all watched, Alex walking down the aisle, I gasped and Emily squealed when we saw her

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She got to the end of aisle then stood to the right of the pastor on the stage, then we watch Jessica gracefully walked down the aisle

She got to the end of aisle then stood to the right of the pastor on the stage, then we watch Jessica gracefully walked down the aisle

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Once Jessica got to the end, she stood on the left of the pastor, we sat down

"please join hands" he says. they did what says

"Because this isn't a normal chapel, and I'm not a normal pastor, I'll be doing things my way. But what's not normal,how these two lovers met, it's a very heart warming story how these to found each other, you two promised each other love and care when you became a couple but now your promising something different something stronger, you guys are promising to stay by each other through the thick and thin, and sickens and health, I understand you prepared your vows" he says

"Jessica, before I met you I was in rough part of my life, I was homeless at 15, then I got really injured, and j was rushed to the hospital, to the same hospital you was at, we both ended being roommates, those couple weeks leading up to our first kiss, I had the most best time in my life, I thought the word best friend was overrated until I met you" Alex says

"phew so it's my turn, um Alex before I met you I was a bitch, it's mean to say that about yourself but it's true, I use to tease the people who had less then me, but you showed me that I don't need more be to happy, because of you I've made friends and real friends, I've done things that I didn't think I'll be able to do with you by my side I feel I'll do much more" Jessica says

"do anyone wish for this two lovers should not wed?" The pastor asked

No one said anything

"okay, then Alex do you wish to have Jessica as your wife, to love and hold threw sickens and health?" He asked her

"I do" Alex says

"Jessica do you wish to have Alex as your wife, to and hold threw sickens and health?" He asked Jessie

"Hell Yes!, I mean I do" Jessica says

"I now pronounce you wife and wife you may kiss your bride" he says

Jessica puts her hands on Alex's cheeks pulling her into a kiss, we all cheered, they pulled away and they joined hands

"Mrs. And Mrs. Parker!" The pastor says

We all stood on our feet's, clapping and cheering

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Ethan and Grayson says


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