Chapter 45

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Lilly's POV

I wake up with a headache, I'm laying down on a cold floor, I slowly sat up and scooted back into a brick wall I looked around the pitched dark room

"hello" my voice echoed

"i-is anyone there?" i spoke again

it was quiet for a moment until I hear a door open, then someone coming down the stairs the foot step was coming closer

"I see your awake Lilly" a unfamiliar voice says

"h-how do you know my name?" I asked

"I know everything"

"I know you have a headache, I don't have anything for headaches, sorry"

"w-where am i?" I asked

"We'll talked about that in the morning, so get some rest"

I hear foot steps going up the stairs and then a door close, I backed my way into a corner of the brick wall I feel on my back, I hug onto my legs I let a tear escape from my eye, I laid my head on my knees

Next Day

I woke up a couple minutes ago, I didn't get a lot of sleep considering the nightmares

I don't know if it's morning or the afternoon, since there's no window

I begin to hear the foot steps again, and them coming closer, then a light turned on

It hurt my eyes but once I blinked a couple times it when away

"Sorry these lights are pretty bright"

I looked at to see a familiar face, I stood up to see I'm in a cell, I walked to the front of the cell

"I saw you before, you were that guy that told that he saw my son, w-w-why are you doing this?, w-w-what did I do to you?" I asked

"Lilly do remember this boy?" He asked showing me a picture on his phone

"Lilly do remember this boy?" He asked showing me a picture on his phone

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"no" I answer honestly

"Well about two years ago you went to a Halloween party, this boy and couple of his friends threw that party, I believe you went as a cowgirl" he says holding up a cowgirl's hat

Memories from that day flooded back to me

"how do know that?" I asked

"Your starting to remember?, do you remember what happened after you left that party?" He asked

"Of course you don't when kicked him in the stomach, you broke of his ribs but that just made him unconscious what really did it is, when his head hit the floor his skull cracked and he bled to death" he says

"Here's another thing this boy, his name Cody and he was younger brother" he says

"I-I'm sorry but I had to defend myself he was going rape me, I didn't mean for him to die" I start to cry

"Lilly, I don't want to hurt you but You're A Killer and Killers Die" he says with a evil smirk on his face

He turned the light off and walked back upstairs I could hear the door slam and lock

I walk back to the corner and started crying uncontrollably


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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