Chapter 38

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Lilly's POV

After I got dressed I brushed my hair into a ponytail and put my sunglasses on top of my head and I one of my backpack straps over my shoulder

I walked out into the living room

"I'm ready" I say

Charlie puts his phone back into his pocket

"Alright, let's go" he says getting up

I grabbed my extra keys off the table and put it in my pocket

He walked out first, I locked the door before walking out behind him, we walked down to the garage

I follow him to a red car "is this yours?" I asked

I follow him to a red car "is this yours?" I asked

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"Yeah" he says opening the door for me

I get in and buckle myself up, he gets in the driver seat and does the same, he starts the car and drives out of the garage


We finally get to the carnival, Charlie just parked the car, we walked to where the entrance but there's three huge lines

"Great, by the time we get in the front it'll be night time" I say

"Not really" Charlie says

"What you mean?" I asked

He started walking to the front of the line, I followed him trying to stop him

The security guard stopped him

"Back of the line kid!, you have to wait like everyone else" the security guard says

"Actually we have VIP tickets" Charlie says giving him two pink tickets

The security guard takes the tickets and shows the other guards behind him, he looked back at us

He then opens the gate that's behind him "have fun" he says

"We will" Charlie smiles

I can hear people shouting how it's unfair how we got to cut

"So what ride do you want to ride first?" He asked


First we went on tilt-a-wheel then the bumper cars, after that we went on the carousal and then we ate cotton candy while watching a magic act

We then went on the teacups, then the double shot and a rollercoaster by this time we were hungry so we got some food after we ate we played some games I won him a tiny goldfish stuff animal and he won me a giant teddy bear that's the same size as me

It's now getting dark, so we got on the ferris wheel while we watched the fireworks display

once the fireworks was over, the carnival was closing we made our way back to the car


He drove us home and walked me to my apartment door before I went in I turn to him

"Thank you so much I had a awesome time" I say smiling

"Well I'm glad you had a amazing time, it's nice to see you smiling" he smiled back

"Well, I guess I'll see you later" I say

"Yeah, Goodnight" he says

"Night" I say

He starts to walk away as I unlock the door, to see some black heels by the door, I dropped my teddy bear

I walked into the living room to see Grayson and Bailey's stuff on the couch

I walked into my room and my heart jumped off a skyscraper and broke like glass

"Oh My God" I whispered


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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