❤4: Escape Mission: Failed❤

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💞Escape Mission: Failed

💕Luhan's POV

The session ended in a blur but Yoona hadn't returned yet. What did Uncle and Yoona talked about?

In the flip side of the coin, I am actually feeling grateful that the session ended because I can finally get rid of the asshole diagonal to me, at the back of Yoona's chair.

Yes, it was fun seeing once again a friend in your past but it was bad because he can meddle with our present, mine and Yoona's future. Now that he's here (which he said was because their company was investing in a hospital in Seoul), I will have a potentional rival in the search of the key to Yoona's heart.

But, no pressure, really. Yoona is already mine. Mine and mine alone.

My schedule indicated that I have a half an hour break so I decided to head to the dean's office (which was Yoona's Uncle's office) when a hand stopped me before I can step out of the room.

I faced the owner of the hand. He stared at me icily as if he was examining me. There are only few people left in the room including the asungot, Sehun.

He was tall, a bit taller than me. By the looks, you can already say that he is a cold. He didn't release me so I asked what he needed.

A short yet dominating boy neared to the tall man and whispered audibly.

"Do you think he'll be worthy to be a potential recruit?"

A shiver ran down my spine. Recruit?

Does he plan on recruiting me to...

Sell Drugs?

A frat?

A group of serial killers?

Although the latter is impossible since I never knew and tried to kill except, maybe, an ant.

"We've discussed this a while ago and yet you are still contemplating," the tall guy snapped quietly to the one who is holding my hand yet still audible.

The former let go of me and distanced themselves from me so I utilized the oppurtunity to escape inconspicuously.

But, as I was about to leave, I spotted my black jacket still slung at the back of my chair.

Oh, damn!

If they caught me this time?

My foot stopped mid air. I was standing at the opened door debating whether to just leave the jacket that us very dear to me or escape the danger.

But heavens didn't let me decide.

A familiar grasp enclosed a small of my arm but it was too strong and tight that I felt that the blood was trapped in my vessels.

"Not too soon, chap. We need to discuss matters."

Oh boy!

- * - * - * - * -

💕Yoona's POV

"I love you, Uncle. I really do. You are a blessing from the heavens! Oh, Uncle, you don't know how great pleasure to have an Uncle like you! You saved me from the pits of hell and my destined doom!"

❌[SYL1] WHAT?! I am going to MARRY HIM?!Where stories live. Discover now