❤11: Why?❤

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Yoona was saved from the abduction of SNSD by an unknown guy.

💕Yoona's POV

"You!! I will kill you!!! I will perforate your heads with a thick metal and roast you in the blazing fires of hell and I will tell cockroaches to eat you, you asshole bitches!!" I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout.

I wanted to insult them to with these thousand thoughts whirling in my head now that they're sitting infront of my uncle, the dean, shaking in fear!

But why the hell can't I?

Why is that instead of feeling angry, I am still hurt. It's just that... In a short span of 2 weeks, I really thought we were friends...

The dean, which by the way, is my Uncle, spoke and broke the silence. "What you did girls was not just against the school's rules but to the state's laws itself! It can be considered as a form of kidnapping! You could be imprisoned given that you are all in your legal age!"

They all flinched and looked down teary-eyed. We are currently at the conference room: my parents, me, the dean, and SNSD with their parents. It has been 3 hours since I regained consciousness from my 2 hour sleep and my mother deemed that it should be talked about right away. I have just minor wounds so my recovery was fast.

Taeyeon squeaked. "W-we're sorry, what we did was unintentionally. We just want to tell her that--"

My mom stood up from my side. "Is this what you call unintentional?!" She dragged me up from the chair I was sitting at and lifted my shirt exposing my bruised side I got when the chair fell during my abduction. "Is this your definition of telling?! If that's the case, well then you're one hell of a fcker, btches!!"

They all flinched at my mother's statement.

My uncle, the dean, stood up. "Sarah, calm down--"

My dad stood up to and growled, "Tell me, Clarkson, how are we supposed to calm down, our daughter's life was put in danger! They should be imprisoned!!"

Tiffany's mom stood up and objected. "Her bruises were not that serious! Our daughters--"

But she was cut off by my father. "Those weren't that serious because someone came to rescue her!! Should he be late, it could've been worse!!"

Yes. Now that I 've remembered, someone rescued me. But all I can picture out is a faint figure of a man. He... who is he...?

My uncle interrupted. "I forgot that there was this someone who saved her. Who is that person, Yoona?"

Who... I can't seem to remember. My memory seconds before I fainted was hazy and all I can see is a blurry vision of a man, running towards me.

Ugh! My head hurt... I can't... remember him...

"Yoona?" Uncle asked.

"Uncle... I can't remember his face. I fainted and my vision was blurry..."

From a distance, I heard someone gasp, "the dean is her uncle?"

But I didn't bother to check who said that because my gaze was fixed in a distance.

Who are you...?

I slightly jumped in shock when a mother from SNSD side suddenly shouted, breaking the long silence.

"Regardless of who he is, we know that our daughters won't go too far!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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