Chapter 1!

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Naomi pov:
I sigh and walk to my last class of the day. World history....our teacher Mr. Choi is very strict in that class. He always makes us do five page essays that are due until the end of the class. I walk in the classroom and walk to my desk. Everyone was either playing arond and throwing things or else gossiping their lives away.

I sat in the back of the room so I wouldn't have to socialise with the others. I got settled down and did the work that was assigned to us which was written on the board. I was interrupted by someone sitting on front of me. Which was no other then the great Sidney. "Naomiii!" She whined out loud.

I winced at how loud she was. "Yes Sidney?" I asked not glancing at her to busy doing my work. "Did you hear about the news?" She asked and made me look at her. I sighed and shook my head "no, you know that I don't get gossip or anything..". "Well...tomorrow we are going to have have new student! And its a guy!" She squeals.

"What if he's cute and hot? Maybe I could have a chance with him or maybe be- hey! Are you even listening to me?!" Sidney yells. I looked up and smirked "no not at all". Sidney rolls her eyes and huffs "Ever since that incident you've changed Naomi.." Sidney mumbles. I glare at her "shut up and it's Nami..." I grit my teeth. She sighs and turn around starting her work.

Mr. Choi comes in and tells everyone to sit down starting the lesson for the day.

☆ Time Skip ☆

I put my binders and pencil pouch in my book bag ready to go home. I shut my locker and stand up putting my book bag straps on my shoulders. Sidney runs up to me smiling "this weekend there's a sale at my favorite store at the mall and we have to go together!". I shrug "maybe..." I say and walk out of the school building. Sidney pouts "come on! Stop studying all the time and live a little!".

"Fine! Fine! I'll go with you!" I surrendur then she hugs me tightly. "Yay! We haven't hanged out in forver!" She laughs. I smile and nod "yeah it has been a while hasn't it..". I walk down the sidewalk but I don't see Sidney besides me "hm?" I look behind me and see Sidney looking at me with wide eyes. "What?" I ask looking at her.

"Did...did you just smile" she smirks. I sigh "yeah now come on I have tons of homework to do". Sidney laughs "I will never forget this moment you haven't smiled in months since...." she trails off. I glance at her then look away "shut up.." I whisper. "Ah I'll see you tomorrow okay? Bye Naomi!" Sidney yells and runs across the street to go to her house.

"Its Nami!" I yell back. I live a few blocks from Sidney so I walk the rest of the way alone. I think of the loads of homework I have to do tonight. Then something makes me think back to something. The new student.

I wonder what he will be like but then again why do I care? But why do I have a bad feeling about this?

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