chapter 6!

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Naomi POV

I sigh and open my eyes. I look to my side and see taehyung staring at me smiling. He seems to not notice me looking at him so I wave a hand in front of his face.

He blinks then steps off of the ledge "sorry..I spaced out.." he chuckled and smiled. I nodded then taehyung grabbed my waist and he placed me down on the ground.

"I don't want my first friend here to fall" he smiles and winks at me. I feel my face heat up. "L-Lets get to class now.." I stuttered and walked over the still broken door.

He laughs and follows "okay...your very pretty when you smile" he said. I stopped and looked at him "what?" I raised a brow. He shakes his head "nothing....let's go..".

I nodded still trying to think of what he said. "Well we missed first elective so now we have gym class..." I said while walking down the set of stairs with Taehyung.

He nods "I didn't bring gym clothes though..". "Don't worry they have extras to give if you forget your uniform" I said and started walking to gym.

☆ time skip ☆

I walk into the gym with Taehyung and everyone looks at us. Most of them are glares from the girls.

'Aishh I'm gonna get bullied now because of this..' I thought. I walked to the teachers and explained to them that Taehyung is new and that he didn't bring a uniform.

One of the male teachers took taehyung to the locker room. I walked into the locker room and unlocked my gym locker I undressed and changed into my gym uniform.

Which was a pair of shorts and the assigned gym short everyone had to wear. I put my uniform in my locker and hurried out of the room walking to my squad line.

I sat down in my squad line ignoring the glares from girls who probably wanted to kill me. Then taehyung came out of the boys locker room wearing basketball shorts and the assigned shirt.

Everyone looked at him and started whispering. "Wow his legs are brighter than my future.." a girl said. "Maybe he could join the basket ball team" some jock said.

"Omo! We're wearing the same shirt!" A highpitched girl said who was fangirling way to much. I chuckled silently thinking on how stupid people can be. Taehyung went up to one of the teachers and talked to them about god knows what.

Then he started walking to my direction. He was smiling and looking at me. "Hi naomi!" He sat next to me crossing his legs still smiling. I sighed "call me Nami please...and why are you sitting here?" I asked.

"Oh I asked if I could sit with you since your my only friend" he said and looked at everyone who was stating at us.

"Geez...your gonna get me killed taehyung.." I mumbled. "Call me Tae" he said. I raised a brow "huh?".

"Since I have to call you Nami call me Tae...or oppa.." he smirked. 'Huh!?'

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