chapter 3!

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Naomi POV

"Hi..I'm Kim Taehyung" he said waving. Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes.

Taehyung looked at everyone with smiles. Then his eyes caught mine. I looked at him then looked away. 'He's just some new student..' I thought.

"But you guys can call me V or tae" he said still smiling. All of the girls were drooling for him while I wasn't paying attention to him.

"Okay Mr. Tahyung you can take a seat in front of...Naomi!" The teacher said. Taehyung looked around while I raised my head.

"Naomi please raise your hand" the teacher asked. I sighed and raised my hand and taehyung smiled walking to his new assigned seat. All of the girls were glaring at me except Sydney.

Sydney was smiling so wide that her eyes were just little cresents. Taehyung stopped in front of me "hi! I'm tae I hope we can be friends!" He held his hand out for me to shake.

I put on a fake smile then shook his hand. He smiled and took the empty seat in front of me. Everyone was still staring at taehyung while some of the girls were glaring at me.

The teacher took role and said we had free time. Everyone got up and ran in front of me to talk to the new kid. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the corner not wanting to get stuck in the big crowd. Sydney walked over to me smirking. "Looks like your a very lucky girl" she said smirking still.

I rolled my eyes "I don't even want to be lucky and I don't even care about the new student.." I sighed. Suddenly the bell rang and everyone went to get their stuff.

I walked to the door to go to first elective but the teacher called my name "Naomi! Please come here a second". I walked towards her and taehyung was beside her looking at his schedule with a confused face.

"Can you please show Mr. Taehyung where all of his classes are please? I already sent out an email to all of your teachers". I didn't really have a choice to say no so I nodded my head.

I took Taehyungs wrist and walked out of the room. "Let me see your schedule please" I asked letting go of his wrist. He nodded and handed me the white paper with his classes.

I skimmed the paper and my eyes widened. '..he has the exact classes as me...' I thought.

Then I groaned loudly.

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