chapter 5!

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Naomi POV

I run to taehyung quickly. I grab the back of his shirt and pull him back making him fall on top of me by accident. Taehyung groans and he looks down at me "what was that for?" He asked.

I was blushing and I glared at him "what do you mean!? I just saved your life! You were gonna jump!" I said raising my voice.

He raises a brow "jump? I wasn't going to jump! I was just standing there enjoying the breeze" he explained. 'who stands at the edge of a roof!?' I thought. "Whatever just get off of me.." I grumbled and he smirked.

Taehyung leaned down to my face making my face turn a bright red. I could feel his breath on my face "t-taehyung..." I stuttered. He smirks again "yes?" He said.

I took a deep breath and yelled "GET OFF OF ME YOU BYUNTAE!!". He laughs and gets up off of me. I growl and stand up quickly dusting off the dirt on my uniform.

"Your still blushing" taehyung remarked. I looked up glaring at him which made him look away. I slide my hands down my uniform smoothing the wrinkles go away until taehyung asked me a question.

"Have you ever wondered what it's like to fly?" He looked at me. "Huh?...oh..uh...sometimes But no really.." I answered. He steps on the ledge again and I stand behind him holding onto his shirt.

He smiled "If you stand up on something where its high and you lift up your arms it's like your flying" he lifted up his arms. He raised his head high having his eyes closed.

I sighed and let go of his shirt letting him think he was flying. 'I haven't thought about that actually..what is it like to fly..?....' I ask myself.

I built up some courage and put my right foot on the ledge then putting my left foot on it. I take a deep breath not wanting to look down.

I lift up my arms slowly trying not to fall and end my life. I lift up my head high closing my eyes and exhale. 'I actually feel like I'm flying..' I smile to myself enjoying the breeze and silence.

Taehyungs POV

I hear a step beside me and I look. Naomi was going to imagine what it's like to fly. I smile widely watching her.

She looked so scared but she didn't stop. Then she raised her arms up high and closed her eyes. She must of wondered what its like to fly. Then she smiled.

She looks pretty when she smiles....almost beautiful.

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