Chapter 13!

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I smirked and kept staring at Nami having an idea in my head. 'Let's test the water's..' I thought. I ripped a piece of paper off of the paper we had to be doing and I wrote something on it. I folded the little note neatly and I passed it to Nami.


Taehyung passed a note to me and I raised my brow in confusion. I opened it up and I nearly died and fell out of my seat. I felt my face heat up and I tried to calm down.

The note said 'you look hot today ;)'  I was about to write something back before the teacher grabbed it. My eyes widen and I looked up at the teacher. "Passing notes I see Mr. Taehyung and Ms. Nami?" He asked.

I shook my head quickly while Taehyung chuckled "sure go ahead..". The teacher glared at him and opened up the note "shall I read this outloud?" He asked.

"N-no!" I squeaked while the other classmates yelled yes and telling the teacher to do it. But before he could he read it himself and looked at Taehyung then me. "After school detention...both of you" he said then threw the note away continuing class.

My jaw dropped and my eyes wide "b-but..." I stuttered but Taehyung just chuckled and smirked. I looked over at him and gave him the nastiest look I've ever given. He just laughed at me still smirking and watched the teacher work.


'Well I guess my plan is going into order...poor Nami' I Snickered.

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