chapter 4!

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Naomi POV

Taehyung looked at me weirdly "is there something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head "'s just...we have all of the same classes together..." I mumble.

He perks up and smiles widely "really? That's great! Now I can actually have a real friend" he chuckles.

I raise a brow "what do you mean? Everyone in our homeroom wanted to be friends with you" I said. He shrugged "they only want to be friends with me because of my looks and that I'm rich".

He looks around while I hand him his schedule. "Well...let's go since we have all of the same classes together you can just follow me" I start walking to my first elective.

Until taehyung grabbed my shoulder "instead can I have a tour around the school? I haven't gotten to see all of it yet" he asked.

I slouch for a second then stand up straight "sure I guess..follow me". I start walking down the hall. "Is there anything in peticular you would like to go?" I asked and glanced at him.

Taehyung was looking around and he looked like a little child. He kinda looks cut--NO! I can't like this guy! I just met him and I barely even know him.

He waved a hand in my face while I was thinking to myself "heelloooo? Naomi are you listening?" He said. I smacked his hand out of my face "yeah sorry what did you say?". "I said that I wanna go to the school rooftop" he smiled.

I raised a brow "we aren't allowed up there..". As soon as I said that he crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks. "I wanna go to the rooftop!" He stomps his foot.

'I swear this boy is 7 years old...aishh..' I thought. I then sigh "fine but we can't get caught.." I start walking to the rooftop. I opened a door and saw a flight of stairs. "Lets go.." I said and started walking up the stairs.

Taehyung followed after me smiling like a little kid in a candy shop. I was at the top of the stairs and there was a door. I grasped the doorknob and twisted it.

But it was locked. "Umm..we have to go's locked" I looked at him. He sighed and took a step back "take a few steps back" he said. I did what he said and took a step back raising my brow.

Next thing I know he busted the door open. My jaw dropped to the floor "Taehyung!!" I yelled. He looked at me smiling "come on" he walked through the now broken door. I stared at the now broken door.

I followed after him stepping over the door.

As soon as i looked up i saw Taehyung standing on the ledge of the rooftop.

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