chapter 16!

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Nami pov

I guess Tae ditched detention. Typical. I sigh and grab my bag and walk out of the detention room. I rub my eyes to try and wake myself up more. I start to walk to the roof top to see what Tae would need. I wonder what he needs to talk to me about on the rooftop. A few minutes later I open the door that leads to the rooftop. I walk outside and look around. I see tae standing by the edge. I smile and blush slightly and walk over to him. "Hey I'm here is there anything you need?" I asked.

Taehyung pov

I hear her walk towards me and I smile. I turn around to face her. Her big doe eyes staring at me with wonder. I take a deep and smile at her. "I just have a little question for you" I shrugged. She rose a brow " what is it?"

Nami pov

I rose a brow "what is it?" He just kept looking at me. I just stared right back at him. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out with me sometime" he blurted out. I stiffen and my eyes go wide. I feel my whole face turn tomato red. My eyes stuck on his smirking face. "So? What do you say?" He urged an answer out of me. I tried to compose myself. I coughed and shook my head at the way I was behaving. I looked back at him and smiled slightly.

"Sure..I wouldn't mind" I giggle. His shoulders relax and he smiles genuinely.

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