Chapter 10!

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Nami POV

20 minutes went by and the bell rang. I closed my book and sat up from my seat and looked at Taehyung. He was walking out with BTS and he was waving bye to me. Jimin saw Taehyung waving at him and he smirked.

I felt my face brighten up and I walked out of the class room. "Naomi!!" I heard a high pitched scream. I looked behind me and saw Sydney running to me. She jumped onto me and slammed into the lockers behind me.

I winced in pain. "Ow! Be careful Sydney!" I groaned. She smiled cheekily "Sorry Nami!". I rolled my eyes and walked to the lunch room. "You only call me Nami whenever I get mad at you" I sighed. "That's not true! I just call you that to make you cheer up" she sighed.

I walked down the stairs and entered the lunch room. Everyone was sitting with their friends eating lunch and laughing loudly. Sydney walked beside me while I walked to our table. We both sat down then Sydney took out her lunch box. "Aren't you going to eat?" She asked me.

"You know I don't eat school lunch" I rested my head in the middle of my palm. "Well why don't you pack your lunch?" She asked while taking out her food. I shrug "I'm too busy studying and doing homework...".

Sydney rolled her eyes "you stress yourself too're probably going to die as soon as you graduate!". "No I don't! I just want to keep up my grades and go to a good college!" I pout. Sydney gave me a bag of chips "here if you're not going to eat take need to keep your engery up somehow...".

I hesitated but I took them anyways "thanks.." I said as I opened the bag. Sydney kept eating her chips "so how is that Taehyung guy?" She asked suddenly. I shrugged while eating a chip "he's been pretty good but he's been hanging out with BTS lately..." I explained. Her eyes bulged out of her eyes "really?!" She screamed.

People looked at us and I blushed in embarassment "shh! People are staring!" I said looking down. She didn't care "he's apart of BTS now? You gotta keep talking to him!" She smiled widely. I sighed and finished my chips "you know that won't happen...remember when Jimin was out best friend? Ever since he's gotten involved with BTS he hasn't talked to us since...".

The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Sydney started stuffing her mouth with food since she didn't finish it yet. I laughed and stood up throwing the bag of chips away. Sydney threw her things away and grabbed me "Come on I don't wanna be late!". We ran up the stairs and went our separate ways since we already got our stuff and had differnet classes.

I have math right after lunch so I walked to the classroom. Then i remembered I had all the same classes with Taehyung. I mentally groaned and kept walking. As I walked into the math classroom my stomach dropped. There he was the one and only Kim Taehyung sitting in the seat next to mine.

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