Part 4

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"Let me take your bags" He says throwing them over his shoulder. "You look really cute with that pink bag, and that satchel around your arm." you say smiling. "I thought so.." he says. When you get down to his jeep he opens your door, and then he puts your bags in the back, next to a bag that you figure has similar contents for him. "So where is this date?" you ask when he pulls out of the parking spot. "Well it's a surprise silly." he says. "Just tellllmeeeeee." you beg. "Okay fine." Josh says, "We're going to this fancy restaurant downtown. It's called like Loflobousch or something" Josh says trying his best to not massacre the fancy name, with failure. "Well then why did you have my pack that bag?" "No reason" Josh says with a smirk and a wink. You don't even wanna know what he's thinking. "I know it's a little early for supper. But lets just say I have quite the night planned. We need an early start." he says. "It's okay I didn't eat much for lunch anyway!" you say. Josh grabs your hand again and holds it while he drives. "So tell me something about Just Emma that I don't know." he says sweetly looking over at you for a brief second before returning his eyes to the road. "Well You know I love music and reading. You know I had no friends besides Ed and the boys(Referring to One Direction). What else is there to know?" you say. "Tell me something you don't tell most people. Tell me something even Ed or One Direction doesn’t know." he says. "Um," you say thinking for a minute in silence, "I.. have always wanted to go skinny dipping, but I never had because I never lived by a lake or river and then always kept the pools covered at night. and until this year the only person who I would have done it with wouldv'e been Ed which would've been well, not as fun as it could be" you say. Josh laughs, "I have never actually gone skinny dipping. You'd think I would have because I do a lot of crazy stuff I probably shouldn't with Connor, but I think that'd be fun." "Let's do it. er, um eh.. Sometime, I mean. I need at least one crazy story to tell my kids someday." you say. "Deal." Josh says, "So you want kids then?" he asks. "Yeah I do. Do you?" you ask. "Of course. I just love playing with little kids. I can not wait until I have kids someday." he says. There's just something about guys who love playing with little kids, and guys who are good with kids. It just makes them so much more attractive. The rest of the car ride continues like that, you and Josh just talking. Learning more about each other. Finally you get to the restaurant and after Josh opens your door and helps you out like a gentleman, you walk in side by side with your hands still linked. "Hutcherson" Josh says as you reach the hostess. "She looks at an iPad and grabs two menus, "Right this way Mr. Hutcherson." she says. She seats you and Josh at a booth that's sort of secluded, which you like. You and Josh order water, and then you order a grilled chicken breast with assorted vegetables and alfredo noodles, and Josh orders a Ribeye steak with Au gratin potatoes. You and Josh talk more while waiting for your food. "So Josh, what's your favorite movie you've been in?" you ask. "I have really loved all the movies that I've been in. But I think I'd have to go with The Hunger Games Series or The Forger. I'm just a sucker for the romance in those movies. But I guess I really liked Little Manhattan too, even though I don’t remember it much. I just love acting so much." he says looking up. "I can tell. You're so passionate about it. I just love that." you say trying to do the best 'Effie' voice that you can. Josh laughs and says "So what's your favorite song to sing." "Oh gosh.. I would probably have to say She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 or Little Things by One Direction. I just love both of those songs so much. But I have so many favorites" you respond. "That's awesome. I love Maroon 5. and you already know that I like One Direction." Josh says. Your food comes and you both eat, and even though you offer to pay your half again because of the spendy price Josh's only response is "It's a date this time. I get to pay without you trying to argue." and that was the end of that conversation. You and Josh are sitting at the table and Josh says "So you ready for the next part of our first date?" "Of course!" You respond not know if you should be excited or scared. "Then let's go!" Josh says jumping up and leading you back out to the jeep, once again opening your door for you.  

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