Part 24

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You get home and all crash instantly. Spending that long away from home took a toll on you, even if it was mainly just relaxing on the beach. The next morning you wake up and instantly smile knowing you're engaged to Josh. You take your ring off the bedside table and just examine it's flawlessness for a minute before sliding it onto your finger. You hear Josh say "So do you like the ring then?" in one of those sexy sleepy voices. You blush a little bit, no one was supposed to see you admiring your own ring. "it's perfect" you say shyly. "I have to tell my parents and brothers before someone somehow finds out." you say. "Well your parents knew I was going to do it eventually, I asked them permission before I bought the ring. They just didn't know when.. That was like.. 4 months ago that I asked them." Josh answers. "You've had this for four months?" you ask a little shocked. "Yeah.. About that long." Josh says. "Why did you just ask me then?" you question. "Well at first I had to think of a special way.. Then I was just plain scared out of my mind to do it. Then I had the idea of doing it in Jamaica once I heard the wedding was going to be there, but I didn't wanna ruin Hunter and Andrew's big day at their resort, so I suggested that we spend a few more days down there. Then I really started planning it, calling the resort, googling stuff. So I guess I was just planning." he tells you. "So does Ed know you were planning it?" you ask him. "Yeah Ed knows too. I had to show him the ring to see if you'd like it. He knows you better than anyone and he still lived with us when I bought it." Josh says. "Who else knows?" you ask him. "Well my parents know, who knows who blabber mouth Michelle has told. Probably most of my relatives by now. Connor knows, I had to tell him. Ed, your parents, Matthew and Kala, and Niall." Josh says. "How the hell does Niall know?" you ask him. "He was eavesdropping on me and Connor one night. He always figures out things before he's supposed to. But I'm surprised he's actually kept it a secret this long." He answers laughing a little bit. "Oh Ni." is all you can say. The things that boy does. "Wellll. I think I'm going to call my Mom first, she should be the first one I tell." you say to Josh, picking up your cell phone and dialing your home phone number by heart. Your mom picks up on the 3rd ring. "Hi baby, how was the trip?" your mom says. "It was.. perfect." you say, "Guess what?" Your mom says "What?" and you respond "I'M GETTING MARRIED." You can't hide your excitement any longer. Josh giggles at you as you stand up and start jumping on the bed. "I'm getting marrieeddd I'm getting marriedddd." You're mom freaks out. You tell her all the details, and then you talk to your Dad for a little bit before hanging up. After that you call Matthew, talk to him for awhile and then dial Ed's number. "Hey Em, how was the wedding?" He asks. "It. was. awesome." you say smiling thinking of Hunter and Andrew's big day. "Well good, glad you had a good time!" he says and you can see the smile on his face. "So uh.. actually there's gonna be another wedding." you say. It takes Ed a minute to catch on and then he says "OH MY GOD DID JOSH FINALLY POP THE QUESTION." You tell Ed he did, and then talk to him for awhile. Next on your list to call is Niall, he answers the phone saying "Niall Horan speaking, International boy band superstar, Irish sensation, Sex God of the 21st century." "I'm getting married." you say, not even making a comment at his jokes. "OH MAH GOSH BABY EM'S GROWING UP. SHE'S GON TA BE A WIFE." He yells at you. You hear some rumbling and static and then you hear Louis' voice on the phone saying "EM ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED." You tell him you are, and then there's more shuffling on the phone, and you hear Liam yell "FER THE LOVE OF GOD JUST PUT IT ON SPEAKER PHONE AND WE CAN ALL TALK." He's always been the most sensible. You talk to all the boys for awhile longer, then you and Josh call Connor together and Josh calls his parents telling them. You end up texting other people who you want to find out from you a picture of the ring saying "Wedding Bells are ringing." Everyone freaks out. Now that the people you care about and are close with know of the engagement, you really don't mind if anyone else finds out. You and Josh are finally done texting and calling everyone you know telling them of the engagement. You're just sitting in the living room together, Mac in his lap.  You look at him, and then look down at your left hand, once again admiring the beautiful engagement ring on your finger.  

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