Part 29

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Saturday morning you wake up to Josh softly kissing your forehead. Every time he does anything you just think about how much you missed him doing it. "I don't get it." he says sweetly with a sly grin. "Don't get what?" "I don't get how you can be so beautiful in the morning when you get up. Without showering or brushing your hair and teeth, or putting any make up on. You're just so dang precious sitting there with sleepy eyes in my sweatshirt." He says with a smile. He's dishing out the compliments, but you're not complaining. You have never been good at accepting compliments, so you just lean up and kiss him in response. "Usually I'd make a comment about how you need to accept my compliment but let's just keep kissing. I think both of us are happier this way." Josh says breathlessly, and then puts his lips to yours again. You lay in bed, kissing again and again until Mac wakes up. He slept through the night, which was nice. You walk over and pick him up, and then all three of you go downstairs to find Connor and Chris in the living room watching Soccer. "Who's playing?" Josh asks as he hops down on the couch next to his brother. You sit with Mac on the loveseat, more focused on him than the soccer game. They all start talking strategy and players, while you take out your phone and snapchat all the boys and Ed a picture of your engagement ring back on your finger. Niall is first to respond, with a very excited face and a caption saying 'I was hoping I'd see something to that effect when I sent you off to his house!' You get similar, excited snaps from the rest of the people. You also call your parents and tell them, and then text Matthew and Morgan. Those are the only people you had told about breaking up, so now it's just back to normal, like nothing happened. You're still shocked that you nor Josh had found a single article about the breakup online or in the magazine, especially when you and Mac were spotted on tour with the boys. A few moments later, Michelle comes in with boneless wings, mini tacos, and chips with guacamole and salsa. You all eat snacks, while the boys watch the game and you two goon over Mackinley, your wedding ring, and the cute soccer players. A few hours go by, and the game is over. Connor leaves to drive to the airport to pick up Liv. He and Live have been dating for almost a year and a half now, and although she lives in LA and he lives in Kentucky, they're as in love as ever. Michelle leaves unexpectedly, and comes back about twenty minutes later with a bunch of wedding magazines with dresses, venues, and ideas. "Okay you two. I know you won't motivate yourself so I got you these. I need to clean up and finish getting everything finalized for his party tomorrow, but plan something!" she says plopping the magazines down on the coffee table. " Josh whines, "But mom we already the guest list and the date planned." Michelle playingly slaps him, "Joshua Ryan you're getting married in less than three months. Plan something."  She says and she walks to the kitchen to start cleaning and preparing. Josh joins you on the loveseat and places Mac on his lap. "You know I'm not very organizational, so you should probably take the reigns on this one." he smiles, "My opinions and ideas will be ready but this is your day."  "Okay well one, this is OUR day, and two you can be organizational if you want to be. You plan surprises all the time. But nonetheless, we should start planning together." you answer with a smile and then you guys fist bump and Josh says, "Let's plan this shit." with a grin and you start planning your wedding.  


"I seriously have no idea where to begin though.." Josh says in a completely serious tone. "we can start wherever we want to. It's our wedding." you say smiling, and then you continue, "Who do you want to be your best man?" "Connor." Josh answers without a heartbeat. "That's what I figured, I was thinking, and I think I'm going to ask Morgan to be my maid of honor. Who else do we want for the bridal party?" you ask him. "Well I was thinking I could have at least Connor, Ed, and Matt. Then if we have other people maybe Sam or Liam or Andre." He answers. "Well I would really like if Ed and Matt were in the bridal party. I was thinking Morgan and Liv for sure. I'd also maybe like Kala and Jen. But honestly, I don't know who I would ask besides that.. I don't really have any other girl friends.." you tell him. "You should just have the boys be your bridesmaids." Josh says laughing. "Well, I want to include them.. I was thinking maybe ushers." you answer. "I think that'd be good, the guests would love getting escorted by them." Josh answers. "Soooo, Morgan. Liv. Kala Jen. and then Connor, Ed, Matthew, and? I mean I wish you could have Sam, Liam, and Andre, but I just know I can't find two more girls.." you answer. "That's absolutely fine baby," Josh responds, "But if it's okay I think I'd like to have Connor, Ed, Matthew, and Niall. The other boys can be ushers." You smile a little bit, "Why Niall?" You and Niall have obviously been very close. But Josh seems to just like them all equally. "Well uh, Niall and I were talking a few days ago. A couple days before you got here I called him. I called him because I knew he was who you'd talk to if you talked to anyone. And well.. I had to ask him about the uh cuts.. Well he kinda told me that I didn't deserve to talk about it which I agreed with, but he told me about how he made you flush the blades, and he told me that I had to talk to you and work things out weather it was worked out as friends or more than that. And well I just.. I feel like this wedding wouldn't be happening for many reasons without him." Josh answers. Niall is such a freaking sweetheart. "Okay. So Connor, Ed, Matt, Niall. Morgan, Liv, Kala, Jen. The four other boys will be the ushers." you say smiling. "We're pretty good at this planning stuff." Josh answers. You spend the next few hours you spend looking through the magazines at dresses and tuxes, colors and themes, locations. You find about 5 locations that you really like. One of them is in Kentucky, about an hour from Josh's house. The next is a beautiful ranch in Texas, and there's a location in Maine on a few acres of land where they host weddings year round. There's a location in Florida on the beach, and another beach location in a small town by the bed and breakfast you and Josh stayed at on the coast about 3 or 4 hours from LA. You also look at themes and decorations, getting quite a few good ideas. You're looking at a few different color schemes, including red, light blue, violet, or a light tan beige color. Then you go online for the next part. You look up caterers in each location, finding the best one in each area. You research photographers, looking for the best option. You think about hiring Hunter, but you'd rather have him enjoy the wedding than have to be taking all the pictures. You look at djs and bands deciding what you'd like, and you look at florists. You literally cover everything possible, and make a few decisions, including dates for looking at dresses and bachelor/bachelorette parties. You have an entire day full of planning. You do all the planning most people do in the year before, because you have many things to get done.  After planning, you take a break to help Michelle finish Connor's stuff, and then hang out with Connor and Liv for awhile. After that, you go up to bed together. "Hey uh Josh.." you say as you snuggle up to him. "Yeah bebay?" he asks. "Do you know any tattoo artists here in Union?" you ask him. He gets a huge smile on his face. "Remember when I asked you to get that tattoo and you were terrified." He grins pointing to your wrist. "Answer the question smarty." "Yes, I got my ship and anchor done at the same spot we got the wrist one, but my other wrist one was done here in town." he smiles. "Lets go there Monday." you say. "Oh really?" Josh says, "Should we? Are you going to tell me why you think we should do that?" You give him a sly smile and say, "Nope. Goodnight, my love." You turn the lamp off and snuggle up closer to him, laying your head on his chest. He says "Goodnight Emma." and you go to bed, excited for Connor's graduation tomorrow.             

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