Part 6

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{Regular POV} After a short ride we arrive at the hotel and we check into our room, the biggest suite in the hotel. It has a king size bed in one room, and in a connecting room it has two queen sized bed and a pull out couch, plus a large bathroom and a small kitchen area. "Can we go hot tubbinnnngggg." Liam begs as soon as you set the bags down. "I have a cast you loser. But I'll bring my book down while you guys swim." you say. "No. No. No." Harry says. Niall and Harry leave the room and come back about 15 minutes later. They have one of those things you put over a cast for a shower, and Niall puts that over your cast. Then Harry takes out a target bag, and takes the contents out. He takes clear plastic wrap and uses the whole box of it wrapping it around and around the shower cap. Then they tape it on in many spots and everyone starts changing into their swimsuits. Yes, you change in front of each other. But it's not like you like check the boys out, and they don't check you out either. It's just how it is, and it's not weird at all. Then Zayn comes over to you, and you jump into his arms and you all run down to the pool. When you get in there, Zayn doesn't slow down at all, he just keeps running right toward the pool and jumps in. The water is freezing, but Zayn keeps you close to his warm body in his strong muscular arms. It only makes you think of Josh, because it reminds you of when you fell into the water during your first date, and Josh jumped in saving you. When Zayn goes up for air, you realize all the other boys casually walked to hot tub and go in. "I can't believe you just did that." you mutter and all Zayn does is laugh. He carries you to the hot tub, and you all just sit there and talk. You are talking, and although the boys are clearly trying to keep your mind off Josh that's all you can think about. They talk about music, but they talk about Miley Cyrus and that's who's party you met Josh at for the second time. They talk about favorite songs, and it reminds you of when you and Josh talked about favorite songs and you sang for him. You talk about movies, and although they don't realize it, they talk about Silver Linings Playbook and how much they wanted to meet Jennifer, which just reminds you of Josh. Everything does. It doesn't seem right, because you've lived in LA about a week, but every memory you have here has something to do with him. After awhile you all go back up to the room. You change into your pj's and they help take the waterproof artwork off your cast. Say what you want about it, but Niall and Harry's creation worked, because your cast is still completely dry. You talk for awhile longer, and eventually everyone goes to bed. You, Ed, and Niall share the king sized bed, Liam and Zayn share a bed, and Louis and Harry share a bed because nobody wanted to sleep on the sofa. At 2:30 everyone was fast asleep, and you were still wide awake, so you get out of bed, change into Ed's sweatshirt and throw Niall's sweat pants on over your shorts, and hobble out of your room on your crutches.  


You still haven't quite gotten the hang of your crutches yet, and the fact that you're clumsy without them doesn't help. You don't really know where you're going but you make your way through the hallway of your floor, and to the elevator. You go down to the first floor and before you know it you're in the driver seat of the rental car the boys got. You turn the key over in the ignition and start driving, you don't know where to. You end up at the park by your house, where you sat and read the first two days in LA. You think about getting out, but decide a broken, small girl alone in LA at almost 3 oclock in the morning is probably not the best idea. You then go to your apartment, and go upstairs, slowly but surely. You realize you're walking, well hopping, right to your piano. You take a pony tail from the stash you have sitting there and throw your hair back in a loose pony. You just start playing, a melody comes to your head and you start playing it. You take out your sheet music and grab a pencil writing down the notes. You start to develop it, and soon a song is forming, and eventually you have the music done, and all you need are the lyrics. You start playing around with words, and before you know it you have a finished song. About What? Josh of course. All good songs come from love or heartbreak, and this one has some of both. That's when you realize that you need to know Josh's reason for why he ran. No matter how hard the heartbreak is, if there's another chance for love you have to take it. And that's what you do. You go back down to the car as fast as you can on the crutches, and you drive to Josh's house about 100 miles an hour. You park the car and go up to the door, ringing the doorbell. Then you feel guilty, because you realized he's probably sleeping. But when he's at the door 5 seconds later you realize that wasn't the case. When he opens the door he looks like hell. His eye is still black and blue from his fight, he still has dried blood from his nose, he clearly has got no sleep, and he looks like he's been crying on and off all day. "Emma.." he says. "Can I come in for a few minutes Josh?" you ask him. He steps aside to let you through and you sit on the couch. "Can I get you something to drink?" Josh asks. "No I'm fine thanks can you just sit down for a minute." you say. Josh nods and sits next to you, but not too close, just far enough away to see each other. He turns the lamp on by the edge of the couch, and looks at you to see what's to come next.  

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