Part 13

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You, Josh, and Connor go through the airport but instead of saying goodbye, you're actually going with Connor this time. "Man it's weird not being sad leaving this airport" Connor says. "Ain't that the truth." Josh says. A little girl walks up to Josh and taps him on the elbow, the highest place she can reach. "excuse me Mr." she says in a precious little voice. Josh squats down so he's at her level "Hey mam what can I help you with?" he asks. "Can I take a picture with you please? I love you in Bridge To Terabithia." she says. She can't be older than 5 and Josh says "Sure you can hunny. Does your mom have a camera?" She nods nervously and her mom approaches and Josh stays crouched down and puts his arm around the little girl and they both smile. "Thank you so much, Ellie just loves you." her mom says. "Well I'm glad, without people like you I wouldn't have a job." You guys leave and board your plane, starting the eleven hour plane ride to London. You, Josh, and Connor are all in one row, Josh in the middle, you by the window, and Connor by the isle. You're glad you are on the end, because seeing the clouds calms you and it will be easier to sleep. Luckily, you have a nonstop flight so you don't have to worry about dumb lay overs or lost luggage. Soon you take off and you guys settle in. Connor already has his beats on and is reading a book by the time the flight attendant starts the movie they have playing, The Body Guard, and you and Josh talk quietly for awhile. You can tell something is bothering Josh because he suddenly got really quiet and has a look in his eyes he only has when something is wrong. "Josh what's wrong?" you ask him. "Oh um nothing. It's fine, don't worry about it." Josh says, biting his nails like he does when he's nervous. "Are you nervous about meeting my parents Josh?" you ask him. "Is it that obvious?" he asks clearly embarrassed. "No, I just can tell you're nervous about something and that's about the only thing you would be nervous about." you answer. "Well, you're right. I'm terrified." he says. "Josh, don't be. I know they'll love you just as much as I do, just maybe in the same way" you say winking at him. Josh can't help but grin a little. "Were you scared when you meant my parents?" He asks after a moment. "I didn't really have time to be scared when I met them.. I was just scared.. that you um.. that you wouldn't be okay." you respond flashing back. "Well I was, and I am, because I have you." he says leaning over and kissing you.  


You can tell Josh is still nervous after you both wake up from your nap. "Josh just please get over it, they'll love you" you say. "I had a dream about meeting your dad for the first time. In the dream I tried super hard to impress him but I failed, and he made me break up with you." he says. "Okay but that isn't going to happen." you say. "Well then tell me how to impress them," Josh says, "I'm ready to put my suck up pants on." You agree to do so. "Okay with mum, just be yourself. Be charming to a certain degree, but don't smother her in complements. Just drop a few here and there. Talk about your family and pets and how you are so passionate about acting. Then with Dad, the second you walk in the door shake his hand as firmly as you can. Introduce yourself by saying 'it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sheeran, my name is Josh Hutcherson, but you can just call me Josh please.' He will respond, and then just follow along with what he says, agreeing but not sucking up to him too much. Talk to him about what ever he brings up, and ask a lot of questions to let him do most the talking." you say. "Okay got it." Josh says. You kiss his cheek and then you all get the airplane meal. You get chicken strips and french fries, Josh gets a burger and fries, and Connor gets a bowl of soup and a sub. You all eat and then fall asleep while watching another movie that the flight attendant put in. After the eleven hours, your plane finally lands in London. You call Ed and he says he is about 15 minutes away so you wait for him after getting your bags. When he drives up in an SUV you run to him and jump into his arms hugging him tightly. "Edward Christopher!" you say smiling. "Emma Grace!" he says back returning the smile. He shakes Josh and Connor's hands and then he tells you that you're staying in your old apartment in London for tonight that Matthew and Ed still live in, because Mum was freaking out that the house wasn't clean enough for company yet. You see Josh let out a sigh of relief and you can't help but giggle. You start the familiar drive back to your old home. When you get there, and go inside you give Connor and Josh a tour of the place. Ed stays in his room, Connor is sleeping in Matthew's room because he's already back home helping mom get ready, and you and Josh are staying in your old room together. You're all tired from your plane ride so you go right to bed. In the morning you wake up, grab your bags, and drive home for the first time in months. Josh is super nervous the entire time, but you, Ed, and Connor all have a nice ride. Then you see your house in your hometown and you walk in to see your parents.  

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