Part 19

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"Whaa.. What?" You ask. "Yes, you and whoever you want in the delivery room with you will be going to the delivery room soon." Dr. Maddock says. "But none of my family is here with me.." you say. "call them, they'll be able to make it before you have the baby." He says. You call Josh but he doesn't answer. You call Ed and he tells you Josh never told any of them that he was meeting them, so you ask Ed to get ahold of him since he's not answering your calls. He agrees to do so, he also is going to call the boys and tell them so they can come, and he tells your entire family while on speaker phone so they all wish you luck. Before Ed hangs up he promises to find Josh and get him there before you have Mac. Your nurse comes in and talks you through your contractions which are about 20 minutes apart. Your family all gets there, and you ask your mom and Michelle to come to the delivery room with you, so they help wheel you down with the nurses. Josh is still no where insight.You get up on the bed and wait, your contractions about ten minutes apart. Your contractions go from 7 minutes apart, to 6, then 5, and still no Josh. You're starting to panick even more that he won't be there for his sons birth but your mom, Michelle, and the nurses try and convince you not to worry. 4, 3, and then 2 minutes. When they're about one minute apart Josh comes bursting through the door. A few people come running in behind him clearly trying to stop him. "It's fine." You say angrily "He's my boyfriend." They awkwardly walk out as Josh runs to the side of your bed. "I'm so sorry Emma. I over reacted, I got mad and I shouldn't have. You were right, I was wrong. Just please pleaseplease forgive me baby." He says out of breath. He's clearly been fighting to get here in time since the second he found out. You get another contraction just then and the pain is so sharp that you honestly just want to cry. You have no energy to be mad and Josh, and you want Mac's birth to be a happy memory so you tightly grab his hand and when the contraction passes, you simply say "I love you Josh." He softly kisses your forehead and says "I love you too baby, you can do this just breath through the pain and destroy my hand." You giggle and give him a loving squeeze. The contractions are now about 30 seconds and you are dilated about 10 centimeters when your Doctor tells you it's time to start pushing. Josh holds your hand at the top of your bed, keeping your hair out of your face and trying to keep you calm. Your mom is on the other side and Michelle next to Josh. You lean up and Josh holds your back while you push as hard as you can and Dr. Maddock counts to ten and you get a short break before starting to push again. When people say labor is the hardest and most painful thing they've ever gone through, they weren't kidding. It is an absolute living hell, but there's two things getting you through. Josh who is trying his best to stay calm and talk you through it, and the fact that when it's done you'll get to hold baby Mackinley for the first time. You lean forward to push again and after one last feeling of piercing pain, you hear your baby boy cry for the first time.  


Hearing Mackinley cry for the first time is saddest, yet the most perfect thing you've ever heard. The sound was devastating, because he sounded so helpless and sad, but you know that it's a bad sign when babies don't cry, so you hearing his cries makes it seem even more real that he's actually here. You look at the nurses who are cleaning him off, and then up to Josh, who is smiling, but has tears flowing from his eyes. For the first time since you have been in the hospital, you can tell they are happy tears.  Your mom and Michelle are both crying as well. The nurses still have Mackinley and continue cleaning him off, weighing him, measuring him, and placing his hand and foot prints on his birth certificate. After what seems like the longest time in the world, the nurse walks over with a blue blanket wrapped in her arms. She smiles and places him in your arms for the first time, and he almost instantly stops crying. He is the perfect fit in your arms, fitting just into the crack of your arm. "He's going to be such a Momma's boy" Josh coughs out between his tears. You push back the blanket and see his face up close for the first time. He's got the cutest baby fat around his neck and cheeks, with bright green eyes just like yours. Unlike most babies, he has almost a full head of dark brown hair that matches Josh's to a tee. You have never seen a single thing more beautiful, and you are happy to see he definitely looks like a 'Mac.' You can't decide if he looks more like Josh, or more like you. You look to Josh, and his arms wrap around you and Mackinley. He's holding you as you hold him and you know it's your first real family moment. "Mom, Michelle," you say looking at Josh and getting his approval with a nod. "I'd like you to meet your first grandson, Mackinley William Hutcherson." They both smile and continue crying and you all sit there for a moment just staring at him. Michelle and  your mom leave you and Josh alone with Mackinley, and they go out to tell everyone that you're done and that he is here. Josh sits down on the edge of your bed and you say "Hold out your arms Josh." He has a look of fear at first, but joy overrides that fear and he holds out his arms as you told him. You place Mac in his arms and you see Josh holding him for the first time. Josh is very tense at first but after a few seconds you can see him becoming used to the feeling of him, and you know he is going to have the natural skills of an amazing dad. Josh doesn't say anything, and neither do you. No words are needed. Seeing the man you love hold your child for the first time is enough. You and Josh both have a steady flow of happy tears coming from your eyes when the nurse comes over and tells you that Mackinley was born at 3:55 pm. You were in labor for about 5 hours from the time the nurse gave you the medicine. He was 11 pounds and 6 ounces, and 21 inches long, so he was a pretty big baby, which explains why you got so big. You and Josh have a few more minutes alone with him before Connor and Ed come bursting through the door, followed closely by Matthew, Kala, and both of your parents. "I just cant take it any longer!" Connor says. "Where is he?" Ed asks. Josh holds him up so they can see his face and he says "Guys, I'd like you to meet our son, Mackinley William Hutcherson." Your family goes crazy seeing him for the first time. Everything is coming together, you and Josh are happy, you are with the most important people in your life, and despite the scare on Josh's birthday, Mac was born a very happy and healthy baby.   

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