Part 26

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When you and Mac get home, Josh is already there. You park the escalade and after getting Mac and his bag out, you walk inside. You set Mac down in one of his toy jumpers and then find Josh in his home gym. He's in just basketball shorts, and they're sticking  to his sweaty body as he continues running on the treadmill and the sweat drips down his chiseled abs. You take a moment, just staring at his defined back muscles and watching the way his muscles tense every time his foot sets down on the treadmill track. "Damn." you say and he turns around and sees that you're home. He presses the stop button on the treadmill and jumps his feet out to the side, grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat from his face saying, "Hey baby, where were ya?" You approach him and give him a quick kiss on the lips, "I went out for coffee with Morgan, I guess time kinda got away from us. We just kept talking!" you tell him. Josh smiles a precious smile, "I'm glad you have somebody like Morgan now, I mean.. I guess uh.." You kinda giggle, "You're glad I actually have a friend that's a girl and not famous or related to me." Josh laughs too, giving you a hug. He's sweaty and sticky but it doesn't much matter to you. Of course you have the boys, your brothers, Josh, Connor, and Mac, along with other friends Josh has helped you make, Liam, Jen, Sam, Livi, and others, You have Hunter and Andrew, but it's different with Morgan. Not that you can't talk to the other ones about this stuff, but Morgan is that friend you can have long talks on the phone with, get coffee and talk about nothing for hours, the friend most people have in highschool to talk about boy problems with, jam  out in their cars, do things that are probably a little bit dumb, and you're so glad you finally have someone. It's weird, because you don't know her all that well yet, you've only seen her twice, but you just clicked. You felt like she was the friend you always wanted, and you knew she felt the same way. You realize Josh's talking to you and you had zoned out thinking again. "What?" you say, your eyes focusing back in on his. He just grins and says "you're so cute when you zone out." You feel your cheeks blush, but you lean in and kiss him anyway. "You're so cute always." You tell him, and now it's his turn to blush. Then you get an idea. "Soooooooo. Remember when we were at my parents house?" you say. "Yeah like two days ago? yeah I remember that." he says laughing. "well do you remember when uh.. when you asked for that special shower?" you say. He just grins and kisses you again, picking you up and as you wrap your legs around his back and he walks to the bathroom, where you take a steamy shower together. You hear Mac start to whine so eventually you get out and go and rock him to sleep. Afterwards, you call Hunter, asking him to babysit Mac for the night so you and Josh can have a date night. He agrees to do so, so you pack his bag and bring him to Hunter and Andrew's. When you get back, You change into a dress that has grey on the top, and light blue to the bottom. While Josh is in black pants with a white button up shirt and a black blazer. He joins you downstairs and you walk outside hand in hand, ready for a night together. You get into the garage, and Josh automatically goes for the jeep, but instead you say "Can we take the bike?" Josh breaks into an enormous smile and says "I'd love to." He reeves the engine up for the first time all year as you get onto the bike behind him. You grab tightly onto Josh and he speeds off down the road. Nothing else is important in that minute. You are on the back of Josh's bike again, speeding through the LA traffic, grabbing onto his hard ab muscles, and nothing can get in your way. Lately, life has been great. You literally have nothing to complain about. It's weird, because for the first time in your life, you feel truly happy and would not change a single thing. 


Josh slows down as you get to a cute little old fashioned area of LA, which is called Vanderfein. Vanderfein is on the outskirts of the city, it's a cute little 'town' that is about a 6 block radius with many cute little shops, a small park with a little pond and many benches, and a few small restaurants. Josh parks the bike in a parking lot at the edge of Vanderfein, kicks the stand out, and you both take off your helmets strapping them onto the bike. Josh grabs your hand and locks your fingers together. Sometimes when you hold hands, it's just loosely, like it doesn't matter. But now, now Josh has his hand locked completely around yours, tightly like the world itself depends on your fingers locked around each others. You walk down the first street, going into a shop that sells kitchen appliances such as different types of bowls, silverware, infomercial things, and stuff like that. "I just love looking at kitchen appliances, its so fun. I mean I know I can't cook hardly anything, but I just love it." Josh tells you. You giggle at him as you browse some of the different grilling appliances, something he could actually use. "what are you laughing at ya little shit" he says with a crooked grin. "I'm laughing at you, you little shit." you respond back. "What's so funny about me liking kitchen appliances?" he asks you. "Well It's not that that is funny. It's the fact that you're so diverse. You love looking at kitchen appliances, but you also love sports and snapbacks and sunglasses. You love to wear fancy clothes but also sweatpants, you're silly but you're serious. You like healthy food and junk food, you're funny and make fun of me, but if anyone else made fun of me you'd murder them. You are precious and innocent one minute, and the next minute you're some sort of sex god I can't go another minute without." you tell him. A slow, very sexy grin spreads across his face and his jaw clenches a little bit as he blushes faintly. "See, you just did it. You just went from the innocent little boy talking about kitchen appliances to a boy I just want to grab and push up against that wall and makeout with like some poorly made romance movie." You tell him. Josh lets out a breath and says "good lord Em, don't go turning me on like that in the middle of a kitchen appliance store." You smile and quickly peck Josh on the cheek and force yourself to turn away. You walk in and out of different stores for about an hour before going to one of the restaurants in Vanderfein. It's a pretty fancy place, but it's very good. Josh gets sushi, while you get chicken alfredo. You softly talk through the duration of the meal and then after Josh pays the bill, you walk back outside. "How bout some ice cream for dessert?" he asks you. You agree that sounds good, so you walk to the old school ice cream shop that is on the corner of one of the streets. You get a waffle cone of cookies and cream, while Josh gets a dish of chocolate chip cookie dough. You and Josh take the ice cream outside towards the park, where you sit on a bench in front of the softly flowing pond. After you're done, Josh takes you to the other side of the bond where he rents a paddle boat, which you get in, and paddle around the pond for awhile holding hands. He stops paddling so you do too, and he just looks over you in the most sincere way possible and with a shy grin he says "I love you so much Just Emma." Could this guy get any cuter? "I love you too Just Josh." you say. Sure, Josh is the one who calls you by Just Emma, but to you he's just Josh too. He's not a famous movie star. He's not PeetaMellark. He's not a lead contributor to SBNN. He's not Jennifer Lawrence's best friend. Sure, you absolutely love all those things about him. But he's just Josh. He's just your fiancé. He's just the father of your son, and you would not have it any other way.   

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