Part 12

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You find Connor, Michelle, and Chris in the waiting room you were all in before. "I'm going to go now, good luck you guys. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call." you say, hugging Connor. When you pull away he kisses your cheek. "I love yaEm." he says, "I really do." "I love you too Con. Maybe I'll see you around next time you're in LA." "I sure hope so." he says. You hug Michelle and Chris goodbye, telling them you're glad you could meet them at least once. Although you and Josh never officially have broken up, you know it has to be over. He doesn't even remember you. You go back to the hotel you guys were staying at and pack your small bag. You ride in a taxi to the airport where you ask for the next available flight to LA, and the worker tells you it's not until tomorrow. You realize you don't want to wait that long. You have to get out of there. "What about San Francisco?" you ask. There's a flight to SanFran in two hours, so you call Ed and he books it for you after you explain to him what happened. You wait a few hours, then board your flight. When you get back to California, you get a rental car and drive all the way back to LA. You get back to your apartment and it hurts you how much Josh has infected the place. His sweatshirts in the corner in a ball, pictures of you guys are all over the place, and when you collapse into your bed crying, all you can smell is him. You look at your phone seeing your phone case of him and you, and rip it off. You change the pictures on your background to pictures without him. You go through your apartment putting anything and everything that has something to do with Josh in a box. Your jewelry and clothes from him, phone case, pictures, his clothes, anything he left there. You shove the box on the top shelf of your closet where it wont torture you. That night you lay in bed, and you cry yourself to sleep for the first time in a long time. It used to be a regular occurrence in high school, but for the last 4 or 5 months, your life has actually be awesome. Then the next morning you wake up to the greatest surprise you could think of. There's a knock on the door and when you open it, Niall is standing there. "NIALL" you squeal, jumping into his arms. He hold you and spins you around laughing the laugh you love so much. "Hey Babe." he says with a smile. "Your teeth look so good with your braces of Babe." you say with a smile, ushering him and his bag into your apartment. "What in the bloody hell are you doing here?" you ask him, sounding more British than normal. "I just came to visit my favorite girl in the world, lets go settle in. We have some stuff to talk about." he says smiling, and walking back towards your room.   


He sets his suitcase down in the corner of your bedroom. He opens it and changes from his jeans and brotank to basketball shorts and a zip up sweatshirt without a shirt underneath. It's not weird Niall changing in front of you, you and Niall have nothing to hide. It's just.. how it is. You change into sweatpants and a sports bra. Niall climbs into your bed and half lays, half leans against the wall, patting the spot next to him. "Come here Em." You crawl up to meet him and lay in his arms. It feels good to be in someone's arms again. "Ni why are you here." you say after a moment of silence. "Can't I visit my best friend just because?" he asks. "Did Ed tell you about Josh?" you ask him. "Yeah, but he was a little confused.. I just wanted to comfort you.." he says. "Thank you Niall." you say. You're so happy he came, because if you were alone who knows what you would do. "But aren't you supposed to be on tour right now." you say. "We had 4 days off from tour so I came to spend it with you." Niall answers. "Okay, I just didn't want you to cancel anything for me. You'd have thousands of depressed little fangirls." you say, "and sorry by the way, I know how much you hate jetlag and you'll have it for sure after flying here for two days and then going back to tour." you say, knowing he can only stay for a few days, because he'll need to get back to their next venue. "Don't worry about it. I hate it but sadly, I'm pretty used to it." he says with a laugh. You've never noticed how cute he is when he laughs and smiles. I mean sure, you knew he was cute.. but its.. something is different about it now. "So tell me what happened." he says. You get tears in your eyes as you start to talk. You lay your head on his chest and say "Well he got shot, and was rushed into emergency surgery. He uh made it through but he has amnesia from it, and doesn't remember ever meeting me, not even at Harry's first party I was at." you say. "I'm so sorry babe." Niall says squeezing you. "It was so hard Niall. I walked in there when he first woke up from his medically induced coma and he asked me who I was and why I was there with his family." you say again, losing it completely. You turn your body into his and he hugs you and rocks you until you look up to his face. "Thanks so much for coming." you say with a slight smile.. "I really do appreciate it." "you're welcome Em, anything for you." It's so comforting to have Niall there. His arms are so familiar, you can really be yourself with him. "Emma.." he says after a few moments of silence. "Yeah Ni?" you ask. "I love you." he says quietly, and you know he means more than just a best friend. "I love you too Niall." you say, suddenly aware of the feelings you've been having. "No Emma.. I meant as more than a friend." he says, tears in his eyes as you look at him. You raise your hand up to his hair, and softly brush his bangs with your finger tips and then wipe the tear that escaped his eye. You say to him, "I knew exactly what you meant Niall." and you pull his lips onto yours, kissing him softly.  

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