Part 10

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"Connor? What are you doing here, Who is this? Emma what- Em did you know they were here?" Josh says. Connor looks at Josh and says "Josh don't be mad at anyone but me. This is Olivia, Livi. She's well.. She's not my girl friend but if I lived here she would be. I met her at Ed's concert." "So you chose her over me. Cool brother, Love you too." Josh says and he turns to leave. You look at Connor and say, "Come over tomorrow and apologize. He has to cool down before you talk to him." Then you turn and run as fast as you can to catch up with Josh. When you do you grab his arm and he yanks it away. "Josh calm down. Breath Josh." You say. He just keeps storming off and then turns to look at you when you say his name again, barely able to keep up with his fast pace. You've never seen Josh this angry and suddenly you're actually scared. "You knew about it didn't you. You fucking knew." He says and then he keeps walking towards the car. You get inside with him, and the car ride is completely silent. Josh drives to your house instead of his and parks on the side of the road. He's still steaming. "See ya later." he says. It's the first time you and Josh haven't slept in the same place since the night after your little fight. You open the door, grab your purse, look at him and then step out and before you shut the door, you say "I just hope you know what a mistake you're making. I didn't know and it's not my fault your brother chose that girl over you. Don't even bother calling to apologize. We both already know you were wrong to treat me this way tonight." and before Josh can respond you slam the door and walk into your apartment building. You walk into your building and as soon as you get into your apartment you break down. You collapse into the couch, and start crying. As soon as you do you hear pounding on the door. "Emma open up. Em. Please Emma please open up. Emma, I love you. Emma I know I was wrong. I was just mad at Connor and I took that out on you. I know I shouldn't have." He pounds and pounds. "Emma please. You hear his voice breaking and he continues to knock and plead with you to open the door. "Josh just go away!" you shout finally. He just pleads more. You finally get up, go into your room, throw on sweats and climb into bed. You can still distantly hear him so you get up, shut your door, and burry your head under the pillows, finally falling asleep in a few hours after your first fight as a couple with Josh.  


You wake up in the morning and shower. Your eyes are puffy and red from the crying last night. You go through your morning routine and then decide to go down and get your mail since you haven't for a few days. You open the door and there Josh is, sitting in the hallway, eyes barely open and clearly has been crying too. He jumps up to his feet and says "Emma, I'm so so sorry." He must have stayed there all night long. "Josh.." You say quietly. It was the last thing you expected for him to be there. "Em I know I was wrong. I knew it the moment you said it. I know it was all Connor. I know you didn't have anything to do with it. Please Emma." He says, "Give me one more chance to prove to you that even though I make mistakes I truly love you." "Josh.." You start. "I know you've given me more than enough chances, but.." you cut him off. You can't stand being mad at him. You grab his face in your hands and kiss his soft lips. "I love you, Josh." You say. "I love you too, Emma." he says quietly pulling you back into another kiss. "Go inside, I'll be there in a minute I just need to go get the mail quick." you respond. You walk downstairs and get the mail, sorting through it on your way back up. You walk inside and look for Josh, he's not in the living room or bathroom. You go into your room and he's laying there already sleeping curled up in a little ball on your bed. He's so cute when he sleeps. He was so tired from staying out there all night. So. Damn. Cute. You cover him with a blanket and then clean up around your apartment and do some chores. You decide the next thing you have to do is call Connor. When he answers, you say "Listen Connor, and listen carefully. You made a huge mistake doing what you did. You know if you would've just seen Josh first and told him the truth he would've been just fine. We're at my apartment, come by in a few hours. Have an apology ready." and you hang up the phone before he responds. You go back into your room and see Josh is still sleeping, so you throw on some sweats and crawl into bed with him. You doze off for awhile and then wake up about an hour or two later to a knocking at the door. You go and get it and Josh is behind you, and when you open it Connor walks in. You let them be alone, and although you act like your not you listen to the whole thing. Josh does a little bit of yelling, Connor stays calm and finally you hear nothing and peak around the corner. You see them standing together hugging, and Connor sees you peaking. He smiles and gives you a thumbs up. After that Josh says "You can come back out now Em, I know you were listening." He turns around and all three of you start laughing. Although it started out a little rough, you sure are glad Connor came, and what makes it even better is that you know Josh is glad too.  

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