Part 9

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Jennifer is sitting on the couch, eating some chips and flicking through the channels of the tv mounted on the wall. "JOSHUA! What the heck are you doing here?" She asks jumping up and running over to give him a hug. "Oh we were just down at the pier and on our way back we ran into Ben and Bear downstairs!" he says hugging her back. "Josh don't be so rude, this must be the girlfriend? Introduce me." She demands as she pulls out of the hug and hits him on the arm. "Jennifer, this is my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is Jennifer." Josh says. You're about to shake her hand, when she goes in for a hug. You hug her back and say "It's so nice to meet you, I'm a huge fan of your movies." "It's nice to meet you too, Josh has told me a lot about you." She says winking. "I hope all good." you respond. She says "Of course all good," then she leans in and whispers in your ear "He's so madly in love with you, don't ever doubt it." You blush and smile at her, I guess you were nervous for absolutely nothing, because she's a total sweetheart. "What did you just tell her." Josh demands. "Oh I just told her to run before things got too serious." Jennifer says. "No you didn’t! tell me! Em, what did she say?" Josh begs. "Sometimes girls just need to converse with each other about girl stuff okay Josh." Jen says. "Is your pencil red?" Josh asks. While filming The Hunger Games, whenever Jennifer had her period, she'd tell the costume director that 'the pencil is red' and he'd have everyone clear the room so she could change. Josh and Liam found out and now they make fun of her for it. Josh told you the story one time, so you laugh knowing exactly what they mean. This time Jen full out punches him in the arm and Josh rubs it where she hit him. "Um, ow." he says. "Come sit down, Emma" she says, "and no Josh, It isn't red." You set the giant bear down in the corner and Ben set's Bear down to play with it, while Jennifer sits back in her spot on the couch, you sit next to her, Josh next to you, and Ben in the chair. "So Emma, tell me about yourself." Jennifer says. "Well, I'll be 19 in a couple days, I grew up in a small town in Suffulk, England with my brother's Ed and Matthew and my parents. Then I moved to London with my brothers so we could all pursue music, which is one of my passions. I'm starting college here at LAU in a couple weeks. I'm majoring in music and creative writing, and then I'm going to go on to get my masters and become a librarian. So yeah, I'm kinda a nerd. Reading, music, that's pretty much all there is to me." you say. "Well that's awesome. I'm glad I finally get to meet you. Josh will probably kill me for saying this, but when he got home from London like eh, probably 3 or 4 months ago? he was just devastated he got dragged away from you. He even cried. He wouldn't do anything but sulk around like a depressed little boy for weeks. You should've heard him when he called me and told me he say you again at a party over here. He was a happy little boy." Jennifer says. Josh looks down a little embarrassed, but you just laugh, kiss him on the cheek, and say "I think it's cute." which makes him smile. You guys talk for about an hour, play with Bear, and then you and Josh say goodbye, and go back to his house for the night.  


Josh doesn't stop at your apartment on the way back to his house, and since all your clothes are back at your apartment, you end up wearing his sweatpants and a tshirt to bed, while he decides on just some basketball shorts. You crawl into bed after you change and you both fall asleep instantly. The next day you wake up, and you and Josh spend the whole day together. You just hang out, play board games, talk, cuddle, watch movies. Then you go to bed in the same position as the night before, ready to turn 19 in the morning. You wake up and look over to Josh's spot and it's empty. There's a single white rose laying in his spot and a note that says "Goodmorning beautiful birthday girl, follow the rose petals. XOXO Josh" and then you look over to see a path of red rose petals leading out of the bedroom. You go into the bathroom connected to Josh's room quickly, pee, and throw your hair up into a messy bun. Then you go out the door and follow the roses. When you get down to the kitchen Josh is there making you your favorite breakfast, Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, and fresh fruit. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEBAY" Josh says running over to you. He picks you and spins you around and around, setting you down and kissing you softly on the cheek. "Thank you Josh" You say smiling. "Breakfast is almost ready, have a seat." He says. "Anything I can help with?" you ask Josh. "Of course not. This is your birthday breakfast, sit down and be comfortable."  Josh answers. You laugh, but sit knowing theres no point in arguing. You and Josh eat breakfast together when it's done, Josh brings you home so you can shower and change. "I'll be right back I have to go home and shower and get ready quick. See you soon" he says leaning over and kissing you. You go upstairs and pack your bag for the day. Josh and you decided to go swimming and have a simple lunch date, and then hang out so in your bag you pack a few swim suits, a towel, sunglasses, tanning lotion, your book, and a couple outfits to change into: One cute and one comfy. Then you shower, and change into the outfit for your lunch date. You wear a cute cream lace dress that's tight and a vneck, with a thin brown belt and a brown leather jacket and a pair of toms. You decide just to straighten your hair today, so you do that and then put on your makeup and just as you do, Josh opens your door with his key and you hear him shout "Come out come out where ever you are birthday girl" and you walk out to find Josh to start your day.  

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