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"Prepare food for y/n aswell. She's dining with me tonight." Jimin orders Ms. Eunyoung.

She stands there in utter shock, and I know why. Jimin never acknowledges his slaves, unless he orders them to do something. But with what Sarin indicated earlier, Jimin doesn't even look at them, nevermind have dinner with them.

Ms. Eunyoung looks at me, giving me a 'what's going on?' look. I mouth to her saying that I'm just as confused as she is and that I have no idea what is going on.

"Well chop-chop." Jimin says, causing both me and Ms. Eunyoung to snap out of our telepathic conversation.

Ms. Eunyoung quickly walks to the door that leads to the kitchen to prepare my food. But before she completely goes out of sight, she looks back at me over her shoulder and gives me a worried look. She then goes out of sight behind the kitchen door. 'Why is she giving me a worried look?'

Jimin turns to me and starts to ask more questions. "So how's your new life here going for you?"

"It is going well Master. Everybody is very helpful and kind." I give him a small smile.

"Have you made any friends with the other servants yet?" 'Why does he care if I've made friends? Is he planning something against me?'

"Not yet Master." I lie. I don't want to tell him about Sarin and Hyera, because then he may put them in danger in order to blackmail me.

"Why not? Are you too shy?"

"No Master. I just haven't had the chance to get to know anybody, that's all."

Jimin stays silent but keeps his gaze on me. 'I need to say something to break the ice because it's getting uncomfortable and awkward.

"How did you sleep last night, Master? I hope you slept well." I give him a fake smile as I attempt to escape the awkwardness.

"Yes, I slept well thank you. But I know you don't really care about how I slept last night. I also don't appreciate you asking me a question and not being sincere about wanting to know the answer. So don't use that silly trick of escaping your awkwardness on me." He says seriously while putting his elbow on the table and propping his head up with his hand, looking at me.

"Sorry Master, it won't happen again."

'This is going to be a very long dinner.'

"I will forgive you because it is the first time you've done it and you didn't know, but I am warning you now. If it happens again, expect a severe punishment." I look down at my lap, not daring to look at him in the eyes.

I feel a bit ashamed because he was right. I didn't care how he slept and only asked to get out of the awkward atmosphere at the time.

"So y/n, tell me something about you." Jimin says.

"What would you like to know, Master?" I ask him while looking at my hands that are resting on my lap.

"Something that I don't already know, we'll start with easy questions. What's your favorite colour?"

"Aqua blue."

"What's your favourite flower?"

"Cherry blossoms." A small smile creeps it's way onto my face. I really love cherry blossoms.

"You should go for a stroll in the garden sometime. There are lots of flowers I'm sure you will enjoy."

"I will when I have the time." I lift my head to look at him, but then our eyes meet and I can't seem to stop staring at his beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes.

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