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Hyera's P.O.V:

I walk out of the bathroom that is connected to the dorm and walk over to my bed and sit down, drying my wet hair with a towel. I look to my left to see the other girls get into their beds but two beds, excluding Sarin's bed, remain empty. There's nobody in the bathroom because I was the last person to go out.

The two beds belong to Y/n and Sunji. 'I wonder where they could be at this time because it's almost lights out.'

I stand up and look around the room. 'There not in here.' I then walk to the bathroom and look inside, just to make sure. 'Not in here either.'

I decide to ask the other girls of they've seen the two missing girls.

"Have any of you seen y/n and Sunji anywhere?" I ask in a loud voice so that everyone can here me.

One girl close to y/n's bed spoke. "They walked out the room together but I don't know where they went."

I thanked her and walked out of the dorm and knock on Ms. Eunyoung's door. She opened it and asked me a question in confusion.

"What is it Hyera? Is something wrong?"

"Have you perhaps seen y/n and Sunji anywhere?" I ask her.

"No I haven't seen them. Why do you ask?"

"Y/n and Sunji aren't in the dorm and we don't know where they went. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen. Those two have clashing personalities so I doubt they are becoming friends with each other."

I don't know why I'm feeling this way. Maybe it's because I don't like Sunji. In fact nobody likes Sunji, she's controlling and ambitious. She also has a nasty temper when something doesn't go the way she wants it to.

Ms. Eunyoung agreed with me and we decide to look for them. We don't see why they would be on the third floor because Master Jimin's bedroom is on that level and he's a very light sleeper.

So as we walk down the hallway, we check every room we pass. "They're not on this floor. Let's check the first floor." I suggest.

We then go down the stairs, but when we're about to reach the bottom, we hear a loud scream.

"That sounds like Sunji!" I say in shock.

"It's coming from the kitchen!" Ms. Eunyoung shouts. We both run toward the kitchen. Once we open the door and run inside, what we see, leaves us stunned.

Y/n is lying on the floor in a puddle of blood and has blood covering her and Sunji is on her knees crying and screaming, "I didn't mean to do it". That's when I notice a bloody knife in front of her and her hands covered in blood.

'Did Sunji really do this?' I ask myself in shock but also disbelief.

"Hyera, quickly check on y/n to see if she's still alive." I do as I'm told and check her pulse. She is still alive. I let out a sigh of relief and look over to Ms. Eunyoung.

She was taking wary steps towards Sunji and managed to kick the knife away from her. Sunji is a crying mess.

Ms. Eunyoung looks over to me and I give her a thumbs up, indicating that y/n is still alive. She nods and walks back to me, not knowing what to do with Sunji.

"Let's take y/n to the infirmary before Master Jimin sees this." She says. But before we could do anything, the kitchen door opens, making all of us freeze.

"Before I see what? What's all this screaming and yelling about, and why is there a strong scent of blood in here?"

Nobody's P.O.V:

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