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A few months have passed and it's winter now, so Jimin is finally allowed to go on vacation. We're going to spend two weeks at his cabin in the country side.

To be honest, I'm really excited because Jimin said that the cabin is near a mountain and there's nobody else living near where we're staying. There's also the fact that I love nature so I'll be doing plenty of exploring when we get there.

We left the house early in the morning, at about 4am, in Jimin's landrover because apparently the road to the cabin is "a little bumpy". The ride was really fun because we were singing to songs on the radio but deliberately sang off key to be funny and did little dances to the songs that were playing.

On the way, we stopped off at a gas station and refilled the gas tank in the car, bought a ton of snacks from the store and I ran/waddled to the bathroom because I drank a lot of coffee earlier to help me wake up and nearly peed in my pants from my bladder being so full.

After that we continued on the road, driving passed the naked trees on the side of the road for a few more hours until Jimin pulls off onto smaller roads which then lead to a dirt road.

To say that the journey from then was a little bumpy was an understatement. The car was shaking as if there was an earthquake happening outside and I was involuntarily jumping in my seat, which Jimin found to be very funny but I wasn't amused.

After a few more shakes and jumps up and down hills we reach a small wooden bridge that crosses over a stream. The water was so clear that I could see the rocks and pebbles at the bottom as well as a few crabs and small fish.

From that point onwards, the road wasn't as bumpy. The many tall evergreen trees made our surroundings very beautiful. The forestry was definitely worth the bumpy ride.

Jimin drives for about ten to fifteen more minutes until a beautiful large, modern looking wooden cabin comes into view. It was absolutely beautiful. It has two storeys and it has large windows on all sides.

Grass and rocks surrounded the cabin and there was a stream at the one side of the cabin with a little bridge over it so that we can cross it easily. Evergreen trees surround the cabin to give it a closed off and private feel, even though there isn't any other house or person for hundreds of miles from the cabin.

We are completely alone.

Jimin parks in front of the cabin and we both get out the car and carry our bags inside. We take our shoes off at the entrance and then Jimin gives me slippers to wear. We walk deeper inside the building and I can't help but look around in awe.

We walk towards the stairs that lead to the upper floor and pass the living room. I look at the living room and gasp in shock.

A TV above the fireplace. The setting of the furniture. The medium sized window looking towards the tree line. It's exactly the same as in my dream.

"No way. This is so freaky." I whisper to myself while walking into the living room and looking at everything.

"What's next? Jackson is gonna pop out of nowhere?" I question sarcastically to nobody in particular.

"Y/n? Who are you talking to?" Jimin asks while eyeing me on confusion.

"Nobody. I'm just talking to myself." I reply before turning back around and giving him an assuring smile. I then ascend the stairs with Jimin.

Once we've placed our bags in the spacious yet warm bedroom, we go back to the car to get the rest of our supplies such as food and blood bags for Jimin and unpack everything in the kitchen.

I sort out the kitchen and pack everything in the cupboards and fridge before getting started on making dinner. While I'm busy chopping vegetables at the counter, two strong arms make their way around my waist. Jimin's hard chest is against my back and his chin is resting on my shoulder, his breath tickling my neck.

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