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The second I opened my eyes this morning, I got the biggest heart attack that I've ever had in my 18 years of breathing oxygen.

Right in front of my face I see two large dark brown eyes. I let out a squeal and immediately tackle the person (Instincts of an assassin). We both fall on the floor but I'm on top of the stranger. The stranger let's put a groan from pain.

"Guys, help me out here." The person says and only then do I realise that there are more people in the room.

I look at the people in the room and my eyes land on two very familiar women.

"Ms. Eunyoung? Hyera?" The two nod at me with smiles on their faces.

I look back to the person whom I tackled and notice that it is Sarin.

"Oops. Sorry Sarin." I apologise and get off her. I sit on the floor next to her while she sits up and rubs the back of her head while wincing.

I look to the servants who are standing awkwardly by the exit and give them a huge smile.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I ask while waving awkwardly.

"We missed you so much!" Sarin exclaims and tackles me in a big hug. The others then also join us in the hug and tell me how much they've missed me and how happy they are to see me. They always manage to make me so happy.

They tell me about all the things that has happened here since I left. Apparently Minha has come to visit the house once or twice a week and Jimin has to be friendly due to his father's orders.

They also told me that when Minah finally leaves the house, Jimin would go to them and complain about talking to Minah and vent out all the frustrations that Minah causes him.

I can't help but feel sympathy for Jimin but I also can't help but laugh at him. If he could, he would get rid of her in a heartbeat and I really wouldn't mind helping him with that. I don't know why but I just feel like there's something off about her.

After we have talked for a while, the girls leave my room after telling me that breakfast will be ready soon. It's still early in the morning so breakfast hasn't been served yet.

I walk to my bags and open the one that has my clothes inside. I still need to find a hiding spot for all my weapons but I'll do it later.

I take out my dirty clothes and put them in a pile so that they can be washed. I then take out the box that Chris placed inside my bag. It was just a turquoise shoe box that was tied together with string so that the lid stays attached to the box.

Between the lid and the string where it is tied into a knot, is an envelope. I untie the string and pick up the envelope and open it. Inside the envelope is a letter that is folded into three equal parts. I unfold the letter and read what's written on it.

Dear y/n

Inside this box, holds many memories that your mom and Jackson has kept very safely for you.

The contents will bring back memories that you have probably forgotten but will no doubt bring a smile to your face once you remember them.

You will find a few secrets in this box aswell. I hope you will be able to figure them out.

We wish you all the best on your new life and we wish you the best of luck for what's to come.

Love you lots
- Mark and Christine

I place the letter on the floor next to me and open the box. I put the lid on the floor and take a look at what's inside.

The first thing I see is another envelope with my name written in neat cursive on it. I place it on my lap and look at what else is in the box. I see a photo album, so I take it out and open it to the first page. There was a note written on the first page saying "I hope you like the pictures. I love you so much n/n. Love mom <3" I smile at the note and begin to page throught the book.

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