[4] - help her

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This was a bad idea.

Is the first thought that popped into my head. "Justin, do I have to fucking repeat myself", she seethes. If it was possible, steam would be coming out of her ears. "Listen-" "No, you fucking listen, I don't want to see you ever again. You left me in a restaurant while you fucked girls in Hawaii, so don't think for a second I would forgive you", she spits, making guilt sink in.

"Lucia", my voice cracks, tears brimming my eyes. "Don't come here with that Lucia bullshit", she whispers tears falling down her face. "I'm so sorry. I'm a dick and you should never forgive me but I have a good excuse", I say, a tear dripping down my face.

"I'm gonna go get a drink", the boy in the chair, who I barely noticed at first said. He left and I look at Lucia who is looking down. "New boyfriend?", I chuckle at how fast she's moved on. "No that's my brother dumbass", she sasses. "I didn't know you had a brother", I say scratching my neck. 

"Because you didn't earn my trust. I didn't open up about my past to you". I walk over to the table beside her bed and place down the flowers and chocolates I bought for her. "I'm not some charity case Justin, don't buy me shit", she cries making my heart swell. "Please don't cry Lucia, I'm so sorry, baby, I was high and drunk and thrown on a plane", I plead grabbing her hand.

She tries to pull away but I keep a hard grip on it. "It was for publicity baby, those girls wanted to be famous. I promise i'll bring in the contract if you want", I say staring at her beautiful face. "I don't care about that, it's the fact you never called", she cries louder. Suddenly her machine stops beeping, her eyelids slowly close.

"Lucia", I panic shaking her body. She doesn't respond. "Lucia", I scream, tears falling down my face, so many I couldn't stop. I run over to the door and scream for doctors to come. "Help please", I shout, my body shaking uncontrollably. I can't lose her I just can't, I need her.



Whats gonna happen to Lucia?

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