[14] - pregnant

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*1 month later*

"Ugh, I feel so ill", I groan. I've been sick and tired for the past month and I'm sick of it. Everyone is telling me to take a pregnancy test but I don't dare to do it.

I'm not pregnant.

I'm not.

"Baby, please just take this. We need to know", Justin groans, holding out a pregnancy test. "No", I snap. "I can't be pregnant, leave me alone".

I hear Justin sigh.

I've put him through so much, but I'm hormonal

And not because I'm pregnant.

"Babe, please", he almost shouts scaring me. I take a deep breath looking into his eyes. "Fine", I mumble grabbing it off him.

I go into the bathroom, locking the door. I read the instructions before peeing on the stick. I wash my hands before leaving it on the counter.

I unlock the door to be met by Justin. His arms are open and I immediately go into them. "Did you do it", he mumbles into my hair. "Yeah", I say, my head lying on chest.

He kisses my forehead before picking me up. I yawn into his neck, seeing as its 11pm.

"Come on let's sleep, we can check it in the morning, if you want", he says and I nod.


I hear a gasp from the bathroom. I notice Justin isn't beside me. He must be in the bathroom.


I run out of bed, into the bathroom. I see Justin looking at the test. "Justin", I catch him by surprise.

"We're having a baby", are the words that leave his mouth.

-------------------------------------------------------------WE'RE HAVING A BABY

Lucia and Justin are going to start settling down now

I'm so fucking excited

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