[20] - baby!

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Everything happened so fast.

One minute I was singing to the crowd, the next minute emergency services fill the arena.


Guys I'm being serious!", I shout into the microphone as Life Is Worth Living plays in the background.
Suddenly I hear screaming at the fence holding fans back collapses and hundreds of fans are osuhed forward.

My eyes widen in shock, before terror struck my face. I look down and see Maejor along with Lucia and all my other friends.

Security try there hardest to hold everyone back but there's to many people.

"Justin help!", I hear Johnny scream. I see them trying to lift up Lucia on the high stage. I run over grabbing her arms hoisting her onto the stage. "Baby, are you okay", I panic looking at her face.

"I'm fine get the boys", she waves me off sitting on the stage. I wave over Mikey, pointing to Lucia and he nods, picking her up and carrying away.

I run over to Maejor helping him up as we help everyone else. We make sure to get the girls up first before the last person, Khalil.

"What the fuck is going on, we nearly fucking died", Khalil shouts. We look at the huge crowd as we see hand son the stage. "Shit there climbing up", Maejor panics.

Everyone begins to run backstage and we're directed to the buses.

Everyone is eventually on all the buses and we begin to leave. I grab my phone to call Lucia but it goes straight to voicemail. I go to call Mikey but someone screams my name.

"Justin, it's Lucia", Johnny has a panicked but sad look on his face. "What the fucks happened, please don't be hurt", I cry out running to where she is.

I bust into the bedroom on the bus seeing her on the bed, in a pool of blood.

"Lucia Sanders", a doctor says making me jump to my feet. "I'm her boyfriend", I shout running to him. "She's stable", he says. Maejor and the rest of the boys comes up behind me. "And the baby?", tears fall down my face at the thought of losing my precious baby.

"For now, the baby is stable, but it's only 5 months so we have no idea if it'll get through the night, we're sorry", he places his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off.

"Can I at least see her?", I ask, wiping away my tears. "She is currently in a medical induced coma but should be up in the morning, we had to perform surgery to make sure everything is okay, she's allowed visitors in the morning", he gives me a tight lipped smile.

I nod before turning away and slamming my ass down on a chair. "Everything will be fine dude"; Maejor pats my back.

"No it won't. Me and Lucia were having baby, what about if we lose it. I wanted us to be a proper family. That's why I fucking bought these", I shout throwing a box, and pieces of paper on the ground.

"What are these?", Johnny asks picking them up. He opens the box to see a ring. "You were gonna propose tonight weren't you"; Khalil asks and I burst into tears.

"Its gonna be okay dude, you're gonna give her that ring", Maejor pats my back. "You bought a house?", Johnny says reading the letter. I nod wiping away my tears.

"I bought her dream house, she told me about it months ago. It's exactly what she wants and I love her so I bought it, but what about if we can't move in cause I won't have my family", I cry out.

Why me god, why me.

-------------------------------------------------------------ohhh shit

What do you thinks gonna happen

Justin was gonna propose!!

I feel like everyone is getting married in my books lmao

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