[7] - first time for everything

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"Mmm, Justin", she moans as I suck on her neck. I gently lay her down on her bed, my lips never leaving her neck. "I missed you so much", I mumble against her soft skin. "This is our first time", I say as I look into her eyes, a cheeky grin on my lips. She blushes before pressing our lips together again. 

I nibble and suck on her soft skin, leaving a bruise, showing her and every other guy who lays eyes on her, that she's mine. A satisfactory smirk plays my lips as she smiles at me, knowing what I did. I nibble gently on her earlobe, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. A small moan escapes her swollen and pink lips as I kiss the corners of her mouth.

I begin to travel down her collarbones, leaving small wet kisses, her whimpers filling the room. I sit up, pulling off her loose tank top and throwing it off the bed. My finger skims the rim of her black lace bra, turning me on even more than I already am, which I thought was impossible. "You're so beautiful", I murmur kissing the top of her breasts.

I reach behind her and unclasp her bra. I pull it off slowly, biting my lip as I feel her eyes on me. I throw her bra on the ground before licking my lips at the beautiful sight in front of me. I grasp her breasts in my hands, slowly kneading them. (A/n LMAO LIKE BREAD).

I take her erect nipple into my mouth causing a series of moans to escape her mouth. "Mmm, Justin", she moans pulling on my hair. I nibble on her peb, a small squeal coming from her mouth. My hands caress her body, trailing up and down her smooth skin. I give the same amount of attention to her other breast as I softly rub her through her leggings.

"Justin", she moans pulling on my hair. I plant kissed down her toned stomach, sucking and nipping on her skin, small bruises appearing down her torso. I look up at her, her delicate eyes staring at me through her long lashes. I crawl back up her body, engulfing her lips in mine.

Suddenly she flips us over, a cheeky smirk on her face. "My turn", she bites her lip, making my dick harder than it already is, which I thought was impossible. "If you don't fix this little problem, I'm gonna fucking explode", I eye the bulge in my pants, before groaning as she begins grinding on me.

She tugs at my t-shirt, pulling it over my head. "Woah", she whispers, her fingers running over my new tattoo. She leans down, kissing along my now prominent jawline. Her kisses lead down my neck, onto my chest, ending at my waist. Her tongue glides up and down my abs, making it's way up and down my v-line.

She pulls on my jeans, pulling them down along with my Calvins. Her eyes widen causing me to chuckle. "And you said a little problem", she gulps, giggling at me. "I lie from time to time", I smirk stroking her hair. She grabs my cock in her small hand, stroking me up and down. "Fuck", I curse as she kisses the tip, her tongue swiping the pre-cum up.


I gently suck on his tip, staring at his through my long lashes. "Fuck just like that baby", he moans, pushing my head down further with my hair. I take him into my mouth, gently sucking taking him all in. "Oh my fuck baby, how do you do that", he curses, throwing his head back. "Am I doing it right", I say removing him from my mouth with a "pop". I slide my hand up and down his hard cock, fastening my pace.

"Yes baby, so fucking right", he moans. I slip him back into my mouth sucking and rubbing faster. "Fuck baby, i'm gonna cum",  he says loudly. He releases into my mouth. I swallow, looking up at him as he calms down from his high. I sit up leaning forward, kissing his lips. He grips my waist hard, lifting me so that i'm straddling him. 

"That was fucking amazing Lucia, where the fuck did you learn that", he gapes making me giggle. His fingers tease the waistline of my leggings making me strip myself of them. "Eager I see", he smirks making me wink. I remove my thong, which I specially wore for this occasion. I grab his dick, aligning it with my entrance. 

I lower myself onto him. When he enters me, I clench around him causing us both to moan. I ride him, and I ride him hard. "Fuck Justin", I moan loudly clawing at his chest. His hands have a firm grip on my hips, guiding me up and down. His hand reaches down to my clit, rubbing it fast making me scream out in pleasure. 

"Oh shit", Justin shouts releasing inside me. He pushes me off him, a whimper leaving my lips at the loss of contact. "Justin!", I whine making him look at me, his eyes darkening. "Do you wanna cum", he growls, rubbing my clit furiously. "Oh my godddd", I drag out, gripping his hair hard.

"You wanna cum, tell me you wanna cum", he roars leaning down. I feel his wet tongue slide up and down my wet slit making me clench. "Fuck Justin, i'm gonna cum", I moan as his tongue enters me. "Fuckk", I scream a he sucks on my clit.

One final scream and I release onto his tongue. "Mmm", he moans against me, the vibrations going through my body. My hips jerk as his face contacts with my stomach. He kisses up my torso, kissing each of my breasts then reaching my lips. "That was amazing baby", he groans collapsing beside me.

"The best I've ever had", he admits making me look at him. "How many girls have you said that to?", I ask making him look at me. "Just you, honestly baby, I can' catch my breathe", he chuckles making me cuddle into his side. He wraps an arm around me pulling me onto his chest. "Get some rest baby, I know I tired you out", he says making me slap his chest.

"Shut up and let me sleep, asshole", I mumble the last part making him squeeze my ass. I yelp slapping him again making him whine. "Goodnight princess".



When I saw Justin is was more emotional and then the odd party song but the weeknd was just a giant fucking party,,,, it was FUCKING AMAZING

Go check out my instagram @/cumbiieber_to see videos and also follow meeeeeee!!!!!

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