[19] - pain

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*3 months later*


"Shit", I groan, clutching my stomach. Justin's light snores are heard behind me. I push the covers off my body, standing up.

Another groan leaves my lips as I headto the kitchen. I grab a glass, filling it up with water. I walk over to the living area of this hotel we're staying at, turning on the T.V.

The time says 01:40. I groan as I see how early it is. I take small sips if my water as I watch Kitchen Nightmares.

I hear footsteps causing me to look back. I see a sleepy Justin walking over, a small pout on his lips.

"Where'd you go", he says softly leaning over and pecking my forehead. "My stomach hurt so I came to grab some water but I'm not tired so thought I'd watch T.V.", I shrug.

"Are you okay. Do you want me to call a doctor", he panics. "Babe I'm fine", I smile.

"Okay, but if it hurts worse tell me", he looks at me. "I will", I smile. He sits beside me pulling me into him, kissing my temple. "Love you", I smile kissing him.

"I love you more".


"Quack, quack, quack, zooommm", the Purpose Tour crew chant, along with Justin. "Lets go!", Rabon shouts getting everyone hyped up.

Justin walks over to me, pulling me in for a long kiss. "Good luck", I smile, hugging his waist. "You sure you're okay?", he asks with worry.

"I'm fine", I pat his chest. He nods before running into the glass box. We are currently in Brazil for the Purpose Tour.

Justin's friends Maejor, Khalil, Johnny and some others that I haven't met are here to celebrate.

"Lucia, you coming", Maejor calls. I nod following behind them. "You okay?", Maejor asks, his arm slung over my shoulder. "Why is everyone asking that", I grumble crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're pregnant, it's normal", he shrugs.


The fans are very rowdy tonight, pushing harder on the railings. Justin's told them once or twice to calm down but they don't seem to listen.

"Guys, I'm being serious", Justin shouts as he sings Life Is Worth Living.

And that's when everything went wrong....

-------------------------------------------------------------Well shit.....

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